
9 Jenis Uncountable Noun – Contoh dan Kosakata Lengkap

Sebelumnya kita telah membahas mengenai pembagian noun atau kata benda kedalam proper noun dan common noun. Sebelum kita masuk dalam materi pembagian noun lainnya, apakah kalian masih ingan apa itu Noun? Kalau tidak mari kita refresh lagi. Noun merupakan bagian dari Part of Speech atau unsur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris bisa berupa orang (people), tempat (place), and benda (thing). Noun (kata benda) biasanya berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek dalam sebuah kalimat dan juga paling sering digunakan sebelum atau sesudah verb. Bagaimana apakah kalian sudah mengerti apa itu Noun ? bila kalian ingin mempelajari Noun lebih lanjut kalian bisa membuka artikel mengenai noun di halaman ini.

Noun bisa dibedakan menjadi beberapa maca, sebelumnya kita menbagi Noun kedalam proper Noun dan common Noun. Saat ini kita akan membahas pembagian Noun berdasarkan jumlahnya. Pembagian Noun berdasarkan jumlahnya dibedakan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu Countabe Noun dan Uncountable Noun. pada kesempatan saat ini kita akan membahas mengenai Uncountable Noun.

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Pengertian Uncountable Noun

Uncountable Noun merupakan salah satu bagian dari pengelompokkan orang (people), tempat (place), and benda (thing) berdasarkan jumlahnya dalam artian kata benda (Noun). Uncountable Noun sendiri merupakan kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung dalam artian kata benda (noun) ini tidak dapat dipisahkan. Mengappa disebut tidak dapat dihitug ? karena pada uncountable naoun kia tidak dapat menghitung kata benda yang termasuk didalamnya secara satuan. Contohnya dalah kita tdak dapat menghitung susu, namun kita dapat menghitung jumlah botol susu atau pun menggunakan liter untu mengukur susu. Tapi tetap kita tak dapat menghitung susu itu sendiri.

Uncountable noun sangat jarang memiliki bentuk plural atau jamak dan lebih banyak dalam bentuk singular atau tunggal. Saat kita ingin membuat uncountable noun menjadi jamak kita dapat membuat takarannnya yang menjadi jamak bukan bendanya. Berikut merupakan contoh pembagian Kata Benda yang tidak bisa dihitung (Uncountable Noun)

1. Solid Noun

Solid Noun merupakan kata benda yang merujuk pada benda – benda padat. Contoh kosakata dari uncountable noun dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk bentuk solid, seperti Bread, Gold, Paper dan lain sebagainya.

GoldEmasSanti gets some of gold because she won the competition.
BreadRotiThis morning I have breakfast with a loaf of bread.
ChocolateCoklatMy sister eats a bar of chocolate yesterday.
MeatDagingMother buys a kilo of meat at the butcher.
ButterMentegaWe need some butter to make a cheese cake.
PaperKertasPhotocopy needs at least two ream of paper everyday.

Jadi, kalian bisa mengerti jika semua benda-benda padat tersebut termasuk dalam uncountable noun.

2. Liquids

Liquids Noun merupakan kata benda yang berbentuk liquid atau cair. Contoh kosakata dari uncountable noun dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk bentuk liquids, seperti coffe, tea, milk dan lain sebagainya.

CoffeKopiMy father drinks a cup of coffee every morning
TeaTehGrandma drinks a cup of tea every afternoon
MilkSusuSanty always drinks a glass of milk every morning and evening
HoneyMaduWinnie the pooh always bring a jar of honey
JamSelaiEvery week mom buys two jar of strawbeey jam and orange jam
FuelBensinBobby needs a liter of fuel for his motorcycle
WaterAirI drink A glass of water before I sleep

Bagaimana? Apakah kalian sudah mengerti bahwa benda cair seperti contoh diatas termasuk dalam kelompok uncountble noun.

3. Powder / Particle Noun

Kata benda yang berbentuk particle atau bubuk, yang memiliki banyak bagian dan sulit untuk dihitung. Contoh kosakata dari bentuk powder pada uncountable noun dalam Bahasa Inggris, seperti grain, rice, sugar dan lain sebagainya.

GrainGandumMr farmer sells a sack of grain for $40
RiceNasiWe eat Rice three times a day
SugarGulaDraco always puts two spoon of sugar for his coffee
FluorTepungI need 500 gram of fluor for make cookies
SaltTeriguChef puts a spoon of salt every cooking
SandPasirThe builder needs at least a truck of sand for build the garage
DustDebuMy room have a ton a dust I think because i didn’t cleaning them.
GrassRumputThis field have beautiful grass
CornJagungI eat a cup a corn for lunch

Contoh diatas merupakan contoh benda (thing) yang termasuk dalam uncountable noun (kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung) yang berbentuk powder atau particle.

4. Household Items

Kata benda Uncountbale noun yang termasuk dalam household items. Contoh kosakata dari bentuk powder pada uncountable noun dalam Bahasa Inggris, seperti grain, rice, sugar dan lain sebagainya.

FurnitureMebelI should by new furniture for my new aprtment
FloorLantai / Keramik lantaiDaddy cleans the floor
LuggageKoperShe buys a new luggage because she wants to travel soon
ElectricityListrikAll of us need electricity every day so every watt for the electricity is very important.

Contoh diatas merupakan contoh benda (thing) yang termasuk dalam uncountable noun (kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung) yang berbentuk household items, semoga dengan semakin banyaknya contoh yang diberikan membuat kalian semakin mudah untuk mengenali benda-benda yang termasuk dalam uncountable noun.

5. Gases

Benda yang berbentuk gas juga termasuk dalam uncountabel noun. Berikut adalah Contoh kosakata dari bentuk gas.

OxygenOksigenWhen we go to the mountain at least we need to bring a can of oxygen, just for preparation
SmokeAsapWhen Indonesia has forest fire, everybody needs a mask because forest fire gives us a ton of smoke.
HeliumNitrogenBalloon needs helium gas
PollutionPolusiFor decreasing the pollution we need start to use mass transportation

Contoh diatas merupakan contoh benda (thing) yang termasuk dalam uncountable noun (kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung) yang berbentuk gases.

6. Languages

Bahasa juga merupakan bentuk kata benda (Noun) yang termasuk dalam Uncountable noun.

Indonesian LanguageBahasa IndonesiaMy brother hasan Indonesian Language test tomorrow.
EnglishBahasa InggrisI start learning english when I was in third grade
MandarinBahasa Mandarin / CinaSanty wants to learn Mandarin because she wants to go to Beijing
ArabicBahasa ArabRamzi starts learning Arabic when he goes to Abu Dhabi
KoreanBahasa KoreaWhen K-Pop Fever start  more people want to learn Korean

Bahasa merupakan bagian dari kata benda yang tak dapat dihitung sehingga masuk dalam kategori uncountabel noun. Di atas merupakan beberapa contoh uncountable noun  languages.

7. Field Of Study

Setelah bahasa (language) termasuk dalam uncountable noun sekarang kita akan membahas contoh uncountabel noun yang lain yaitu field of study (Mata pelajaran).

ChemistryKimiaWhen I am in Senior High School I really love chemistry but right now i’m really knowing about that’s.
MathematicsMatematikaRiszki win gold medal in Mathematics olimpiade at China
HistorySejarahAt this time every student have history subject for their school subject not wonder if their in sains department or social department
GeographyGeografiDina is really good at geography
ArtSeniWe make a sketch for art lesson tomorrow.
SportOlahragaShe’s really good at sport and she is chosen to represent our school at the championship
PhysicsFisikaPhysics is really hard, but Anto can get a good score for test
SociologySosiologiSociology is one of my favourite subject in high school
MusicMusikI will play the violin for music test
ComputerkomputerDeni will see you at the lab for computer class
ScienceIPANo wonder that Inna is good at science, she won the gold medal for Science Olympiade
LanguageBahasaWe learn three languages at school, Indonesian, English, and Japanese

Di atas merupakan beberapa contoh uncountable noun.

8. Weather

Weather atau cuaca juga merupakan bagian dari uncountabel nouns. Contoh kosakata dari bentuk powder pada uncountable noun dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah :

SnowSaljuThis is the first time I’ve experienced snow
ThunderGunturI hate when it’s raining with thunder
WindAnginThis day I really hope wind will come because the weather is really hot

Di atas merupakan beberapa contoh uncountable noun

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9. Activities (Aktivitas)

SwimmingBerenangFirzha teaches me swimming twice a week
ReadingMembacaRahlin loves reading harry potter novel this day
WritingMenulisRaditya Dika done his writing on a blog before he start a write a novel and scenario right now
SingingMenyanyiRatih has a singing contest today and she lost
DrivingMenyetirCakra has his driving licence since he 17th yers old

Jadi, Uncountable Noun Bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu bagian dari pengelompokkan orang (people), tempat (place), and benda (thing) berdasarkan jumlahnya dalam artian kata benda (Noun).

Contoh Uncountable Noun

Berikut ini adalah contoh lain dari uncountable noun

AccommodationAkomodasiThe company will pay for your accomodation if you travel for work.
AccountingAkuntansiHe received a degree in accounting and would continue to work for a big company in New York.
AdviceSaranIf you have some advice for the library, it’s best to write it and put it in the suggestion box.
AidBantuanIf you need any aid, please call the information center and state your problem.
AlcoholAlkoholIn Japan, it’s not illegal for your to drink alchol if you’re not 20.
BeefDaging sapiWe’ll derve beef for tonight’s dinner. If you’re a vegetarian, we can serve you eggplant or mushroom.
BloodDarahShe has lost too much blood. She needs a transfusion quickly or she’ll get worse.
BusinessBisnisThey agreed to do bussiness with us. Bu we told them that the bussiness would only be fair if they meet some conditions.
ButterMentegaMom needs some butter for her cake. I will go to the supermarket now.
CashUang TunaiThe store prefers you to pay by​ cash​ instead of credit. You might need to visit the ATM first.
CerealSerealI love the new chocolate cereal. It’s not too sweet and it’s healthy
CheeseKejuDany would make us a cheese cake, but he ran out of cheese so he made a choco cake instead.
Chewing gumPermen karetMary loves to chew a chewing gum. It helps her quit smoking and lose weight.
ConfusionKebingunganIn confusion, people are running. They fear that they wouldn’t escape the fire.
CottonKapasMy sister needs more cotton for her beauty class. A lot of students are making mistake during their first trial.
DustDebuThe book is covered with dust, probably because he’s never read the book at all.
EducationPendidikanIt is so important for people to get some education. Even if they don’t like formal school, they can take some courses or other kind of informal educations.
EntertainmentHiburanLas Vegas is the entertainment central of Nevada, or even in The US. So make sure you visit it.
ExperiencePengalamanYou need more experience to work as a manager in that company. you might want to consider working somewhere else first.
GossipGosipThere are gossips about their wedding, but Wendy will not tr us if that gossips are true or  ot.
GrassRumputThe cows are eating natural green frass so they’re growing healthy and big and strong.
HairRambutHer hair is so long, she might needs to consider cutting it a little bit. It’s distracting her.
IceEsI’d like to put some ice in my drink. Where can I get the ice?
JewelryPerhiasanWhen we realized we lost all of our jewelry, my mom cried. A lot of her fine jewelries are missing.
KnowledgePengetahuanShe loves studying. She has a lot of knowledge and she reads books all the time.
LuggageBagasiYou can put your bags in the luggage. Don’t worry, they’ll be safe.
MailSuratI’ve got some mails from my daughter in Germany. She told me she wants to come home soon.
MedicineObatHe needs medicine to keep him healthy. He’s really depending on those drugs now.
NoiseKebisinganThe noise really makes my father mad. So we need to stay quite and not bothering him.
PetrolBensinThe car needs some petrol or we would not be able to makebit move.
PlasticPlastikWe have to stop using plastic bags. So we need to ways bring our own tote bags.
PopcornPopcornWhat if I buy some popcorn? We might need something to grab during the movie.
PorkDaging babiWe serve pork and fish, so if you don’t eat pork, you can eat the fish.
PowderBubukI’d prefer the powder milk rather than condensed milk.
RainHujanIf the rain comes, you better stay inside or you’ll catch a cold.
SilverPerakThey won the silver medal and they’re happy for it. But still, they need to practice harder for the next competition.
ToothpastePasta gigiWe’re running out of toothpaste, you might want to buy it on the way home.
TrafficLalu lintasThe traffic is really bad, I might not be able to make it to the meeting on time.
WorkPekerjaanIf you still have some works to do, I can wait for you and we can have dinner later.

demikian contoh-contoh kalimat beserta contoh dari nouns yang masuk ke dalam kategori uncountable nouns. Semoga bisa menambah pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris kalian, yah! Untuk menambah perbendaharan kalian, silahkan cek artikel lainya dari kami.

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