
77 Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Peralatan Kantor – Contoh – Arti – Percakapan

Mempelajari kosakata adalah Cara Mudah Belajar Bahasa Inggris untuk pemula sebagai langkah pertama agar lancar Bahasa Inggris. Terdapat ribuan jenis kata mulai dari NounPronounAdjectivesAdverb, dan Verb. Oleh karena itu, berikut ini kamu tuliskan puluhan contoh kosakata Bahasa Inggris peralatan kantor.

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Setelah mengetahui macam-macam alat kantor dalam Bahasa Inggris, berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat yang biasa terjadi di percakapan kantor.


[tr][th]Contoh Penggunaan Kalimat[/th][/tr]

[tr][td]We wrte the meeting schedule on out to do list.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Use the scanner to store your physical document to your computer.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]You can destroy the unused papers with paper shredder.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Please fax the receipt to the store as a prove we have paid for all the supplies.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]We need new stationeries such as rulerpen, pecil, marker, and eraser.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]We need new computers, we better buy the new CPU, mouse, and monitor.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]Write things you need to remember on post it notes and the stick it to your desk.[/td][/tr]

[tr][td]The printer is out of ink. We can’t print the document.[/td][/tr]


Contoh di atas adalah percakapan singkat dengan tema kantor dan kosakata Bahasa Inggris peralatan kantor. Semoga ulasan di atas bermanfaat dan bisa membantu kalian dalam belajar bahasa inggris dengan baik.

1 Appointment reminder Board or anything that used to remind
everyone of important events
2 Attendance registertool that records attendance Daftar absen
3 Badge folder Holder that used to store folders Pengikat folder
4 Binders  detachable cover, resembling the cover of
anotebook or book, with clasps or rings for holding loose papers together
5 Bookphysical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together;
a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge
6 Bookmarker marker (a piece of paper or ribbon) placed between the pages
of a book to mark the reader’s place
Penanda buku
7 Bulletin board brief report (especially an official statement
issued for immediate publication or broadcast)
8 Business cards small card on which is printed, typically,
a person’s name, job title, firm, business address,
and telephone number
Kartu nama
9 Cabinet piece of furniture resembling a cupboard
with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display
10 Calculatora small machine that is used for mathematical calculations Kalkulator
11 Calendar a list or register of events Kalendar
12 Carbon paper Paper faced with a preparation of carbon or other material,
used between two sheets of plain paper
in order to reproduce on the lower sheet that which is written or typed on the upper
Kertas karbon
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13 Catalog a book or pamphlet containing an enumeration of things;
a complete list of things
14 CD  digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record CD
15 Clamp a device (generally used by carpenters) that holds things firmly together Penjepit
16 Clock a timepiece that shows the time of day Jam
17 Computer a machine for performing calculations automatically Komputer
18 Computer paper  paper folded topermit continuous printing controlled bya computer Kerta komputer
19 Correction pen White fluid applied to mask text error Tipe-x
20 CPU the part of a computer (a microprocessor chip) that does most of the data processing CPU
21 Desk a piece of furniture with a writing surface and usually drawers or other compartments Meja
22 Desk chair Huge chair for desk Kursi kantor
23 Duster a piece of cloth used for dusting Pembersih debu
24 Envelopes a flat paper container, as for a letter or thinpackage,
usually having a gummed flap or othermeans of closure.
25 Eraser an implement used to erase something Penghapus
26 Fax duplicator that transmits the copy by wire or radio;
verb send something via a facsimile machine
27 Files a collection of papers, records, etc.,
arranged inconvenient order
28 Folders a printed sheet, as a circular or timetable,
folded into a number of usually pagelike sections
29 Glue cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive Lem
30 Headphones a headset designed for use with a stereosystem Headphones
31 Hole punch tools used to create holes, usually on paper Pelubang kertas
32 Index card a card, often relatively small used in noting
or recording informationand usually filed in an index
Kartu indeks
33 Label a brief description given for purposes of identification Label
34 Label maker maker that prints on self adhesive material for labels Pembuat label
35 Land line telephone Telephone that still uses cords. Telepon darat
36 Laptop a brief description given for purposes of identification Laptop
37 Legal pads small books to take record Buku nota
38 Mailing label labels made for postage, usually contain address label alamat
39 manila folder file folder designed to contain documents Map manila
40 Markers something used as a mark or indication, as abookmark or tombstone Spidol papan tulis
41 Masking Tape adhesive tape used in painting to cover areas on which paint is not wanted Selotip
42 Memo a written proposal or reminder memo
43 Monitor  piece of electronic equipment that keeps track
of the operation of a system continuously and warns of trouble
44 Mouse  hand-operated electronic device
that controls the coordinates of a cursor
on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad
45 Mouse pad a mat for mouse Mouse pad
46 Notebook a book with blank pages for recording notes or memoranda Buku catatan
47 Notes a record or outline of a speech, statement,testimony, etc. Nota
48 Paper medium for written communication Kertas
49 Paper clips tool used to fasten together with one or more paper clips Penjepit kertas
50 Paper pads a number of sheets of paper fastened together along one edge Pengikat kertas
51 Paper Shredder a device to cut paper Penghancur kertas
52 Pen a writing implement with a point from which ink flows Pulpen
53 Pencil a thin cylindrical pointed writing implement; a rod of marking substance encased in wood Pensil
54 Planner a notebook for recording appointments and things to be done, etc. Buku perencana
55 Post it notes small piece of paper made to temporarily attaching notes Post it notes
56 Power extensions length of cable with plug and one or more socket Kabel ekstensi
57 Printer cartridge component of an inkjet printer that contains the ink that is deposited onto paper during printing Printer cartridge
58 Printer ink Ink for printer Tinta printer
59 Projector an optical instrument that projects an enlarged image onto a screen Proyektor
60 Push pin a short pin having a spool-shaped head of plastic,glass,
or metal, used for affixing material to abulletin board, wall, or the like
Push pin
61 receipt an acknowledgment (usually tangible)
that payment has been made; the act of receiving
62 Report covers Cover for document to make it looks profesional Kover dokumen
63 rubber band a narrow, circular or oblong band of rubber,
used forholding things together, as papers or a box and itslid
64 Ruler measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal
or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths
65 Scanner an electronic device that generates a digital representation of an image for data input to a computer Scanner
66 Scissors  edge tool having two crossed pivoting blades Gunting
67 Scotch tape a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening Selotip
68 Sealing tape a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for sealing Lakban
69 Sharpener to make or become sharp or sharper Pengserut
70 Stamp pad a block of absorbent material saturated with ink; used to transfer ink
evenly to a rubber stamp. inking pad, inkpad, pad
Bantal cap
71 Stamps a block or die used to imprint a mark or design Cap
72 Stapler a machine that inserts staples into sheets of paper in order to fasten them together Stapler
73 Storage box a (usually rectangular) container Kardus
74 Surge protector an appliance or device designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes Pelindung gelombang
75 Thumb tack a tack with a large, flat head, designed to be thrustinto a board
or other fairly soft object or surface bythe pressure of the thumb
Paku payung
76 To do list reminder contains of lists of important stuffs that needs to be done To do list
77 White board a smooth, glossy sheet of white plastic that can bewritten
on with a colored pen or marker in themanner of a blackboard
Papan tulis

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