Mempelajari Tenses Bahasa Inggris adalah hal dasar yang harus benar-benar dikuasai agar lancar Bahasa Inggris. Pada dasarnya, terdapat tiga pembagia tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris yaitu Present Tense, past tense, dan future tense. Ketiga pembagian tense tersebut sangat penting dalam Grammar Bahasa Inggris. Maka dari itu, dalam artikel ini akan dibahas seputar pengertian, penggunaan, rumus dan contoh past tense secara lengkap.
1. Simple Past Tense
Past tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan yang telah berlalu atau yang terjadi di masa lampau. Karena itu, kalimat Past harus diikuti dengan keterangan kata lampau. Bisa yang telah terjadi kemarin, setahun yang lalu, sebulan yang lalu, dll.
Rumus Past Tense | |
Positif (+) | S + V2 + O/C |
Negatif (- ) | S + Did + Not + V1 + O/C |
Introgative (?) | Did + S + V2 + O/C + ? |
Keterangan: S = subject, V = verb, O/C = object/complement
Contoh Past Tense | Meaning |
(+) He swam in the sea yesterday | (+) Dia berenang di laut kemarin |
(- ) He did not swim in the sea yesterday | (-) Dia tidak berenang di laut kemarin |
(?) Did he swim in the sea yesterday? | (?) Apakah dia berenang di laut kemarin? |
Past Tense digunakan untuk membicarakan aksi yang udah terjadi pada waktu sebelum sekarang. Suatu aksi yang terjadi pada masa lalu yang dalam struktur kalimatnya selali menggunakan verb 2 dan kata bantu lampau.
Rumus Past Tense | Meaning |
Luana Martri sailed to PekanBaru last month. | Luana Martri berlayar ke pekanbaru bulan lalu |
My teacher died last year. | guru ku mati tahun lalu |
He lived in Bandung since 2005. | dia tinggal di bandung sejak 2005 |
We crossed the river crossing yesterday. | kamu menyebrang sungai kemarin |
Past Tense sebagai Ekspresi Masa Lalu” state=”closed
Kamu harus menggunakan past tense ketika kamu membicarakan sesuatu yang telah terjadi. Jadi, past tense di asosiasikan sebagai ekspresi masa lalu.
Frequency: often, sometimes, always | Meaning |
I sometimes walked to office at lunchtime. | aku terkadang berjalan ke kantor pada makan siang |
I often brought my dinner to church. | aku terkadang membawa makan malam ku ke gereja |
Keterangan Adveb Lampau
Waktu yang pasti di masa lalu: last week, yesterday, last night, last summer, dan lain sebagainnya.
example | arti |
We saw a bad movie last week. | Luana Martri berlayar ke pekanbaru bulan lalu |
Yesterday, I departed to Kalimantan. | guru ku mati tahun lalu |
She finished her chores last morning | dia tinggal di bandung sejak 2005 |
I went to the discotheque last night | kamu menyebrang sungai kemarin |
Baca Juga: Adverb
Keterangan Waktu Lampau
Keterangan Waktu yang tidak pasti di masa lalu seperti: the other day, ages ago, a long time ago.
example | arti |
People lived in tree a long time ago. | manusia tinggal di pohon di masa lalu |
She played the piano when she was a baby. | dia bermain piano ketika masih bayi |
Perlu diperhatikan kalau kata ago berguna untuk mengekspresikan jarak di masa lalu. Kata ini ditaruh setelah periode waktu: a week ago, three years ago, a minute ago.
Baca Juga:
Rumus Paste Tense untuk Regular Verb
Past Tense dalam Bentuk Positive” state=”closed
- Past Tense dalam Bentuk Positive (+)
Subject | + verb + ed |
I | skipped |
- Contoh dalam Bentuk Positive (+)
Past Tense Example | Meaning |
I was in Jakarta last year | aku lagi di jakarta tahun lalu |
She had a stomachache yesterday. | dia lagi sakit perut kemarin |
We did our chores last night. | kami telah nyelesain tugas kamu tadi malam |
Past Tense dalam Bentuk Negative
- Rumus Past Tense dalam Bentuk Negative
Subject | + did not | + infinitive without to |
They | didn’t | go. |
- Contoh Past Tense dalam Bentuk Negative (-)
Past Tense Examples | Meaning |
We didn’t do our task this morning. | kami tidak melakukan tugas kami pagi ini. |
We didn’t have time to visit the Monas | kami tidak punya cukup waktu untuk mengunjungi monas |
We didn’t have any food | kami tidak punya makanan |
Past Tense dalam Bentuk Interrogative
- Rumus Past Tense dalam Bentuk Interrogative
Did | + subject | + infinitive without to |
Did | she | arrive? |
- Contoh Past Tense dalam Bentuk Interrogative
Past Tense Examples | Meaning |
We didn’t do our task this morning. | kami tidak melakukan tugas kami pagi ini. |
We didn’t have time to visit the Monas | kami tidak punya cukup waktu untuk mengunjungi monas |
We didn’t have any food | kami tidak punya makanan |
Rumus Interrogative Negative
- Rumus Interrogative Negative
Did not | + subject | + infinitive without to |
Didn’t | you | play? |
- Contoh Interrogative Negative
Past Tense Examples | Meaning |
Didn’t you do our task this morning? | Sudahkah kamu mengerjakan tugas kami pagi ini? |
Didn’t we have time to visit the Monas? | Tidak kita punya cukup waktu untuk mengunjungi monas? |
Didn’t we have any food? | Tidakkah kita punya makanan? |
Contoh Past Tense -To Walk
Contoh dan Penggunaan Past Tense dalam verb To Walk
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I walked | I didn’t walk | Did I walk? |
You walked | You didn’t walk | Did you walk? |
He walked | He didn’t walk | Did he walk? |
We walked | We didn’t walk | Did we walk? |
They walked | They didn’t walk | Did they walk? |
Contoh Past Tense -T0 Be, To Have, To Do
Contoh dan Penggunaan Simple Past Tense To Be, To Have, To Do
Subject | Negative | Interrogative | |
Be | Have | did | |
I | was | had | Do |
You | were | had | did |
He/She/It | was | had | did |
We | were | had | did |
You | were | had | did |
They | were | had | did |
Baca Juga:
Irregular Verb dalam Past Tense
Ada beberapa verb yang irregular dalam past tense. Berikut beberapa contohnya.
example | arti |
He went to a pub last night. | dia pergi ke pub malam tadi |
Did he go to the mall last night? | apakah dia pergi ke mall mala tadi? |
He didn’t go to bed early last night. | dia tidak pergi tidur cepat tadi malam |
Past Tense To Have” state=”closed
Contoh dan Penggunaan Simple Past Tense To Have
example | arti |
Did Martri give you my car key? | apakah martri memberikanmu kunci mobilku? |
They didn’t give Luana their new address. | mereka tidak memberikan luana alamat baru nya |
We gave her a car for her birthday. | kami memberikan mobil untuk ultah nya |
Past Tense To Come
Contoh dan Penggunaan Simple Past Tense To Come
example | arti |
Did he come to your inauguration last week? | apa dia datang ke inaugurasi mu minggu lali |
We didn’t come because it was snowing. | kamu tidak datang karena lagi bersalju |
My parents came to visit me last year | ortu kami mengunjungiku tahun lalu |
Baca Juga:
2. Past Continuous Tense
Past continuous tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu pekerjaan atau tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu atau lampau. Biasanya kalimat past continuous disandingkan dengan kalimat past tense.
Rumus Past Continuous Tense | |
Positif (+) | S + To be (was/were) + V-ing + O/C |
Negatif (- ) | S + To be (was/were) + Not + V-ing + O/C |
Introgative (?) | To be (was/were) + S + V-ing + O/C + ? |
Keterangan: S = subject, V = verb, O/C = object/complement
Contoh Past Continuous Tense | Meaning |
(+) They were playing badminton yesterday | (+) Mereka sedang bermain badminton kemarin |
(- ) They were not playingbadminton yesterday | (-) Mereka sedang tidak bermain badminton kemarin |
(?) Were they playing badminton yesterday? | (?) Apakah mereka sedang bermain badminton kemarin |
Past continous menjelaskan aksi atau kejadian yang terjadi sebelum sekarang, yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlangsung pada saat pembicaraan. Dengan kata lain tense ini mengekspresikan aksi yang belum selesai atau belum lengkap di masa lalu.
Past Continous Tense untuk Menceritakan Kejadian” state=”closed
Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan latar belakang suatu cerita yang di tulis dalam past tense.
“The moon was shining and the eagles were singing as the tiger came out of the jungle. The other animals were relaxing in the shade of the valley, but the tiger moved very quickly. She was looking for her partner, and she didn’t notice the hunter who was watching her through his deep eyes. When the shot rang out, she was running towards the sea…” (bulan lagi bersinar dan elang lagi bernyanyi ketika macan keluar dari hutan. Hewan lain lagi bersantai di bawah bayangan lembah, tapi si macan bergerak cepat karena lagi mencari partner nya tapi si macan tidak memerhatik si pemburu yang lagi mengamati nya dan ketika tembakan berbunyi si macam berlari ke laut. )
Digunakan untuk Menjelaskan Dua Kejadian
Untuk menjelaskan aksi yang belum selesai yang diinterupsi oleh aksi atau kejadian yang lain.
“I was having a dream when the phone rang.” (aku sedang bermimpi ketika ponselku berbunyi)
Untuk Mengekspresikan Perubahan Pikiran
Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan perubahan pikiran.
“I was going to spend the day at the restaurant but I’ve decided to get my chores done instead.” (aku berencana untuk menghabiskan waktu di restoran tapi berpikir untuk menyelesaikan tugas ku dulu)
Past Continuous Tense dengan Verb Wonder
Dengan verb ‘wonder’, past perfect tense digunakan untuk membuat permintaan yang sopan.
“I was wondering if you could tuck me in for tonight.” (aku lagi berpikir apakah kamu bisa menidurkanku malam ini)
example | arti |
They were waiting for the ride when the incident happened. | mereka lagi menunggu tumpangan ketika incident terjadi |
Luana was skating when she broke both her leg. | Luana lagi skating ketika dia mematahkan kedua kaki nya |
When we arrived he was having a pedicure | ketika kamu tiba dia lagi melakukan pedicure |
When the fire started I was watching the president’s speech. | ketika terjadi kebakaran aku lagi melihat pidato president |
Verb To Have
Past Continuous Tense dengan verb To Have
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I was playing | I was not playing | Was I playing? |
You were playing | You were not playing | Were you playing? |
He was playing | He wasn’t playing | Was he playing? |
We were playing | We weren’t playing | Were we playing? |
They were playing | They weren’t playing | Were they playing? |
Baca Juga:
3. Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan atau tindakan yang telah selesai dilakukan pada masa lalu atau lampau.biasanya kalimat past perfect tense disandingkan dengan kalimat past tense atau dengan kalimat past future perfect tense dalam formula Conditional Type 3.
Rumus Past Perfect Tense | |
Positif (+) | S + Have/Has + V3 + O/C |
Negatif (- ) | S + Have/Has + Not + V3 + O/C |
Introgative (?) | Have/Has + S + V3 + O/C + ? |
Keterangan: S = subject, V = verb, O/C = object/complement
Contoh Perfect Tense | Meaning |
(+) You had come to my ceremony last night | (+) Kamu telah datang ke acaraku semalam |
(- ) You had not come to ceremony last night | (-) Kamu telah tidak datang ke acaraku semalam |
(?) Had you come to my ceremony last night? | (?) Datangkah kamu ke acaraku semalam? |
Past perfect mengarah ke waktu yang lebih awal dari sekarang. Hal ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian terjadi sebelum kejadian lainnya di masa lalu. Tidak begitu diperlukan kejadian mana yang disebutkan di awal, penggunaan tense akan menjelaskan yang mana terjadi di awal.
Dalam contoh di bawah ini. Event A adalah yang terjadi di awal dan event B yang terjadi setelah nya :
Event A | Event B |
John had gone out | when I arrived in the office. |
I had saved my document | before the computer crashed. |
When they arrived | we had already started cooking. |
He was very tired | because he hadn’t slept well. |
To Decide” state=”closed
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I had decided | I hadn’t decided | Had I decided? |
You had decided | You hadn’t decided | Had you decided? |
She had decided | She hadn’t decided | Had she decided? |
We had decided | We hadn’t decided | Had we decided? |
They had decided | They hadn’t decided | Had they decided? |
Past Perfect and Adverb Just
Past Perfect + Just – ‘Just’ digunakan dalam past perfect untuk mengarah ke suatu event yang terjadi baru saja.
Contoh | arti |
The train had just left when I arrived at the arrival hall | kereta api nya baru saja tiba di ruang keberangkatan |
She had just left the room when the kids arrived. | dia baru saja tinggalin kamar ketika anak-anak tiba |
I had just put the washing out when it started to downpour | aku baru saja menaruh cucian di luar ketika mulai hujan lebat |
Baca Juga:
4. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past perfect continuous tense merupakan kata kerja yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian atau tindakan yang telah dilakukan namun masih atau sedang dikerjakan pada masa lalu atau lampau.
Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense | |
Positif (+) | S + Had + Been + V-ing + O/C |
Negatif (- ) | S + Had+ Not + Been + V-ing + O/C |
Introgative (?) | Had + S + Been + V-ing + O/C + ? |
Keterangan: S = subject, V = verb, O/C = object/complement
Contoh Past Perfect Continuous Tense
(+) He had been writing a resignation letter
(-) He had not been writing a resignation letter
(?) Had He been writing a resignation letter?
Past perfect continues berhubungan dengan present perfect continous tapi dengan referensi waktu yang lebih awal. Penggunaan tense karena kita lebih tertarik pada prosesnya.
Contoh 1″ state=”closed
example | arti |
Had you been waiting long before the bus departed? | apa kamu udah menunggu lama sebelum bus nya pergi? |
We had been trying to open the door when Luana found her key. | kami berusaha membuka pintu ketika Luana nemuin kunci |
It had been raining hard for several hours and the streets were inundated | lagi hujan deras beberapa jam sehingga jalanan banjir |
Her friends had been thinking of calling for help when she barged in. | temannya lagi berpikir untuk memanggil dia memaksa masuk |
Contoh 2
Affirmative | Negative | Interrogative |
I had been buying | I hadn’t been buying | Had I been buying |
You had been buying | You hadn’t been buying | Had you been buying |
She had been buying | She hadn’t been buying | Had she been buying |
We had been buying | We hadn’t been buying | Had we been buying |
They had been buying | They hadn’t been buying | Had they been buying |
Past tense mempunyai 4 tipe (simple past tense, past perfect tense, past continous tense, past perfect continous tense) yang semua nya berhubungan dengan kejadian di masa lalu beserta seberapa awal kejadian tersebut terjadi. Hal ini diperlukan untuk memperjelas kejadian di masa lalu. Lalu, begitulah pembahasan tentang penggunaan past tense yang meliputi rumus, fungsi dan contoh past tense.
Baca Juga:
Baca Juga Materi Belajar Bahasa Inggris Lainnya” state=”closed
- Contoh Kalimat Tanya Dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Singular and Plural
- Finite Verb
- Keterampilan Dasar Bahasa Inggris
- Conjunction
- Home vs House
- Cara Mudah Belajar Bahasa Inggris
- Manfaat Belajar Bahasa Inggris
- Finite Verb
- Future Perfect Tense
- Rumus Future Tense
- Degree Of Comparison
- Finite Verb
- Contoh Idiom Dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Past Future Continuous Tense
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- Will and Going To
- Will vs Shall
- Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Peralatan Kantor
- Kata Ganti dalam Bahasa Inggris
- List of Adverbs
- Present Tense
- Contoh Kalimat Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris
- Contoh Irregular Verb
- List of Adjectives
- Modal Auxiliary
- Comparative Degree
- Conjunction
- Adverb of Time