Setelah sebelumnya mempelajari mengenai topik complex sentence, tentunya kamu sudah mengerti sedikit banyaknya tentang cara merangkai kalimat complex sentence, bukan? Namun jenis kalimat yang bisa kamu gunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari maupun penulisan tidak hanya terbatas pada complex sentence. Di pelajaran kali ini, penulis akan membahas mengenai contoh kalimat compound complex sentence dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Sebelum memulai pembahasannya, penulis hanya ingin mengingatkan bahwa struktur kalimat berjenis compound complex akan lebih rumit daripada complex sentence, namun kamu tidak perlu khawatir, sebab penulis yakin jika kamu membaca materi ini hingga akhir, kamu akan menguasainya. Jadi, disimak terus, ya!
Baca juga:
Pengertian Compound Complex Sentence:
Compound Complex Sentence adalah kalimat yang strukturnya terdiri dari 2 kalimat yang bisa berdiri sendiri (independent) dan 1 atau lebih kalimat yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri (dependent). Dalam compound complex sentence, kamu bisa menceritakan 3 peristiwa yang masing-masing memiliki 1 subjek, 1 kata kerja serta 1 kalimat keterangan ataupun lebih.
Sama seperti complex sentence, dalam merangkai kalimat compound complex sentence, kamu juga akan menggunakan kata penghubung (conjunction) untuk menghubungkan antara kalimat yang satu dengan kalimat yang lainnya.
Baca Juga:
Penggunaan Konjungsi dalam Compound Complex Sentence
Conjunction (kata penghubung) yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk menghubungkan kalimat dependent dengan independent antara lain:
1. Kongjungsi untuk menunjukkan waktu, seperti before, after, while, since, until.
2. Kongjungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu syarat ataupun kondisi, seperti unless, if
3. Kongjungsi yang menunjukkan sebab-akibat, seperti therefore, because, in order to.
4. Kongjungsi untuk memperjelas identitas, seperti when, where, who, that.
5. Kongjungsi untuk menunjukkan pertentangan seperti Although.
Sedangkan, kongjungsi yang biasa digunakan untuk menghubungkan kedua kalimat independent, adalah:
1. Kongjungsi untuk menunjukkan penambahan, seperti and.
2. Kongjungsi untuk menunjukkan pertentangan, seperti but, yet.
3. Kongjungsi yang menunjukkan pilihan seperti or.
4. Kongjungsi untuk menunjukkan tujuan seperti for, so.
Baca juga:
Struktur Compound Complex Sentence:
Berikut ini adalah rumus kalimat kompleks dalam Bahasa Inggris:
Independent Clause + conjunction + Independent clause + conjunction + dependent clause (1 atau lebih)
Conjunction + Dependent Clause (1 ataupun lebih) + Independent Clause + conjunction + Independent Clause
Baca Juga:
Contoh kalimat Compound Complex Sentence:
1. Because you were late, we could not watch the movie from the beginning; and I need to re-watch it again.
(Karena kamu telat, kita tidak bisa menonton film itu dari awal, dan saya perlu menontonnya ulang.)
Dependent Clause: Because you were late
Independent Clause (1): we could not watch the movie from the beginning
Subordinating Conjunction: and
Independent Clause (2): I need to re-watch it again
2. I do not like the cookies that she bakes, but I still eat it.
(Saya tidak menyukai biskuit yang dibuatnya, tetapi saya tetap memakannya.)
Independent Clause (1): I do not like the cookies
Dependent Clause: that she bakes
Coordinate Conjuntion: but
Independent Clause (2): I still eat it
3. The computer that is broken, needs to be repaired, but I do not have enough money.
(Komputer yang rusak itu perlu diperbaiki, tetapi saya tidak memiliki cukup uang.)
Independent Clause (1): The computer needs to be repaired
Dependent Clause: That is broken
Coordinate Conjunction: But
Independent Clause (2): I do not have enough money
4. The weather is nice, but we still cannot go to the beach because my father is sick.
(Meskipun cuaca cerah, kami tetap tidak bisa pergi ke pantai sebab ayah sedang sakit.)
Independent Clause (1): The weather is nice
Coordinate Conjunction: but
Independent Clause (2): we still cannot go to the beach
Dependent Clause: because my father is sick
5. What will you do if you get lost in an isolated island and you are alone with nobody else?
(Apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika tersesat di sebuah pulau terisolasi dan sendirian tanpa ada siapapun?)
Independent Clause (1): What will you do?
Dependent Clause: if you get lost in an isolated island
Coordinate Conjunction: and
Independent Clause (2): you are alone with nobody else
6. Susi, who is a beautiful girl, comes from a wealthy family, but she still lives a simple life.
(Meskipun Susi yang seorang gadis cantik berasal dari keluarga berada, ia tetap hidup dengan sederhana.)
Independent Clause (1): Susi comes from a wealthy family
Dependent Clause: who is a beautiful girl
Coordinate Conjunction: but
Independent Clause (2): she still lives a simple life
7. Unless the meeting is cancelled, I will be sitting inside the meeting room for I am being asked to take note for the minutes of meeting.
(Kecuali rapat dibatalkan, saya akan sedang duduk di dalam ruang rapat karena saya disuruh menulis catatan untuk notulen rapat.)
Dependent Clause: Unless the meeting is cancelled
Independent Clause (1): I will be sitting inside the meeting room
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): I am being asked to take note for the minutes of meeting.
8. That puzzle is too complicated, but I would like to solve it before somebody else did.
(Teka-teki itu sangat sulit, tetapi saya ingin menyelesaikan jawabannya sebelum yang lain melakukannya.)
Independent Clause (1): That puzzle is too complicated
Coordinate Conjunction: but
Independent Clause (2): I would like to solve it
Dependent Clause: before somebody else did
9. When I feel hungry and my mother is not at home, I will cook instant noodle.
(Ketika saya merasa lapar dan ibu saya tidak berada di rumah, saya akan memasak mi instan.)
Dependent Clause: When I feel hungry
Coordinate Conjunction: and
Independent Clause (1): my mother is not at home
Independent Clause (2): I will cook instant noodle
Baca juga:
Contoh kalimat compound complex sentence lainnya:
10. I feel that I am not a possesive girlfriend, but my boyfriend thinks so.
(Saya merasa saya bukanlah seorang pacar yang posesif, namun kekasihku berpikir demikian.)
Independent Clause (1): I feel
Dependent Clause: that I am not a possessive girlfriend
Coordinate Conjunction: But
Independent Clause (2) : my boyfriend thinks so
11. Although the fact will be painful for you, I need to tell you the truth for you are the main reason for that incident to be happened.
(Meskipun faktanya akan menyakitkan, saya perlu memberitahukanmu kebenarannya sebab kamu adalah alasan utama bagi insiden itu untuk terjadi.)
Dependent Clause: Although the fact will be painful for you
Independent Clause (1):I need to tell you the truth
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): you are the main reason for that incident to be happened.
12. That clothing store is holding a summer sale event and they also give extra discount of 20% if you make a purchase of minimum Rp. 500.000.
(Toko pakaian itu sedang menggelar acara diskon musim panas dan mereka juga memberikan tambahan diskon 20% jika kamu melakukan pembelian dengan minimum Rp. 500.000)
Independent Clause (1): That clothing store is holding a summer sale event
Coordinate Conjunction: and
Independent Clause (2): they also give extra discount of 20%
Dependent Clause: if you make a purchase of minimum Rp. 500.000.
13. Nita is a quiet person but she can become a talkative one after she knows you better.
(Nita adalah seorang pendiam tetapi dia bisa menjadi seorang yang cerewet setelah ia mengenalmu dengan lebih baik.)
Independent Clause (1): Nita is a quiet person
Coordinate Conjunction: but
Independent Clause (2): she can become a talkative one
Dependent Clause: after she knows you better
14. You will never know what she is thinking about, yet you can ask her.
(Kamu tidak akan pernah tahu apa yang sedang dipikirkannya, tetapi kamu bisa menanyakannya.)
Independent Clause (1): You will never know
Dependent Clause: what she is thinking about
Coordinate Conjunction: yet
Independent Clause (2): you can ask her
15. I will feel dissapointed if you lie to me for you are the most important person in my life.
(Saya akan merasa kecewa jika kamu berbohong pada saya karena kamu adalah orang terpenting dalam hidupku.)
Independent Clause (1): I will feel dissapointed
Dependent Clause: if you lie to me
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): you are the most important person in my life
16. When I was washing dishes, my children were running inside the house and my husband did not do anything to stop them.
(Saat saya sedang mencuci piring, anak-anak saya sedang berlari di dalam rumah dan suamiku tidak melakukan apapun untuk menghentikan mereka.)
Dependent Clause: When I was washing dishes
Independent Clause (1): my children were running inside the house
Coordinate Conjunction: and
Independent Clause (2): my husband did not do anything to stop them.
17. You should fix this problem before your parents know it or they will be mad.
(Kamu harus menyelesaikan masalah ini sebelum orangtuamu mengetahuinya atau mereka akan marah.)
Independent Clause (1): You should fix this problem
Dependent Clause: before your parents know it
Coordinate Conjunction: or
Independent Clause (2): they will be mad
18. Kiki, who will face his national exam this year, needs to study hard or he will not pass the test.
(Kiki, yang akan menghadapi ujian nasional tahun ini, perlu belajar keras; atau, ia tidak akan lulus tes itu.)
Independent Clause (1): Kiki needs to study hard
Dependent Clause: who will face his national exam this year
Coordinate Conjunction: or
Independent Clause (2): he will not pass the test
19. I will be late for the gathering for I need to fetch my children after the school is over.
(Saya akan terlambat ke pertemuan itu karena saya harus menjemput anak-anak saya setelah kelas mereka selesai.)
Independent Clause (1):I will be late for the gathering
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): I need to fetch my children
Dependent Clause: after the school is over
20. Lucy has decided to go to hospital for she feels pain in her back after carrying those heavy things.
(Lucy telah memutuskan untuk pergi ke rumah sakit karena ia merasakan sakit di punggungnya setelah mengangkat barang-barang berat itu.)
Independent Clause (1) : Lucy has decided to go to hospital
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): she feels pain in her back
Dependent Clause: after carrying those heavy things
21. I am worried about my weight, yet I still want to eat ice cream if you treat me.
(Saya khawatir dengan berat badan saya, namun saya tetap ingin makan es krim jika kamu mentraktirku.)
Independent Clause (1): I am worried about my weight
Coordinate Conjunction: yet
Independent Clause (2): I still want to eat ice cream
Dependent Clause: if you treat me
22. The thieves were entering the house quietly when Rudy was asleep and they took all of the valuable things inside.
(Pencuri-pencuri itu memasuki rumahnya dengan diam-diam ketika Rudy terlelap dan mereka mengambil semua barang berharga di dalamnya.)
Independent Clause (1): The thieves were entering the house quietly
Dependent Clause: when Rudy was asleep
Coordinate Conjunction: and
Independent Clause (2): they took all of the valuable things inside.
23. When you went out last night, somebody was following you from behind yet you did not notice him
(Ketika kamu keluar semalam, seseorang mengikutimu dari belakang tetapi kamu tidak menyadarinya.)
Dependent Clause: When you went out last night
Independent Clause (1): somebody was following you from behind
Coordinate Conjunction: yet
Independent Clause (2): you did not notice him
24. My friends know that I am afraid of ghost, yet they still force me to enter the ghost house.
(Teman-teman saya tahu bahwa saya takut hantu, tetapi mereka tetap memaksa saya masuk ke rumah hantu.)
Independent Clause (1): My friends know
Dependent Clause: that I am afraid of ghost
Coordinate Conjunction: yet
Independent Clause (2): they still force me to enter the ghost house
25. I hate people who likes to talks bad behind my back, yet I still meet a lot of them in my life.
(Saya membenci orang-orang yang berbicara buruk di belakang , namun saya tetap banyak berhadapan dengan orang-orang seperti itu dalam hidupku.)
Independent Clause (1): I hate people
Dependent Clause: who likes to talks bad behind my back
Coordinate Conjunction: yet
Independent Clause (2): I still meet a lot of them in my life
Baca Juga:
26. You better be careful with your words when you talk with Nita for she is a sensitive person.
(Kamu sebaiknya berhati-hati dengan kata-katamu saat berbicara dengan Nita sebab dia adalah seorang yang sensitif.)
Independent Clause (1): You better be careful with your words
Dependent Clause: when you talk with Nita
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): she is a sensitive person
27. Lisa told me that I need to be hurry for the clinic will be closed in 1 hour time.
(Lisa memberitahuku untuk cepat karena kliniknya akan tutup dalam waktu 1 jam.)
Independent Clause (1): Lisa told me
Dependent Clause: that I need to be hurry
Coordinate Conjunction: for
Independent Clause (2): the clinic will be closed in 1 hour time
28. You can choose the place where we will meet or I will decide it myself.
(Kamu boleh memilih tempat di mana kita akan bertemu atau saya akan menentukannya sendiri.)
Independent Clause (1): You can choose the place
Dependent Clause: where we will meet
Coordinate Conjunction: or
Independent Clause (2): I will decide it myself
29. I promise to bake some cookies for little Rudy before he is home but I forget to do so.
(Saya berjanji untuk membuat biskuit buat si kecil Rudy sebelum ia di rumah namun saya lupa melakukannya.)
Independent Clause (1): I promise to bake some cookies for little Rudy
Dependent Clause: before he is home
Coordinate Clause: but
Independent Clause (2): I forget to do so
30. Before our grandmother arrived to our house, we prepared her favourite dish so she could feel happy .
(Sebelum nenek sampai di rumah, kami mempersiapkan makanan kesukaanya agar ia merasa bahagia.)
Dependent Clause: Before our grandmother arrived to our house
Independent Clause (1): we prepared her favourite dish
Coordinate Conjunction: so
Independent Clause (2): she could feel happy
Baca juga:
Berakhir sudah pelajaran mengenai contoh kalimat compound complex sentence. Setelah kamu kuasai, ternyata topik ini tidak susah-susah amat, bukan? Yang pasti, teruslah belajar, perbanyak latihan-latihan dan tentunya kamu akan terbiasa dengan penggunaan materi ini dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Sampai jumpa di pelajaran berikutnya.
Baca juga materi bahasa Inggris lainnya:
- Concluding Sentence
- Conjunction
- Subject Pronoun
- Compliment
- Adjective Clause
- Bare Infinitive
- Homograf
- Imperative Sentence
- Conversation