
120 Contoh Kalimat Kata Sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pada pertemuan kali ini, saya akan membahas materi yang mungkin tidak baru, tetapi cukup bermanfaat untuk menambah ilmu kalian lebih dalam lagi. Materi itu adalah tentang adjective beserta contoh – contoh kalimatnya. Adjective adalah salah satu bagian dari part of speech yang penting untuk kita pelajari. Adjective berfungsi untuk menjelaskan sifat – sifat dari noun. Dalam penggunaannya untuk menjelaskan sifat – sifat dari noun, adjective dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis, yaitu:

  1. Descriptive Adjective
  2. Distributive Adjective
  3. Possessive Adjective
  4. Demonstrative Adjective
  5. Interrogative Adjective
  6. Quantitative Adjective

Sekarang, mari kita bahas satu per satu jenis – jenis adjective di atas sebelum contoh kalimat kata sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris

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1. Descriptive Adjective

Descriptive Adjective adalah jenis kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan bentuk atau sifat suatu benda

Berikut ini, saya akan mencantumkan beberapa contoh dari descriptive adjective.

Beautiful Handsome Dangerous
Small Big Tame
Cute Kind Short
Thin Thick Tall
Adorable Heavy Ugly
Fast Slow  Poor

Karena contoh – contoh dari adjective sudah jelas, saya akan memberikan contoh contoh kalimat kata sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris

No. Sentence
1. Do not go in there, it might be dangerous for you!
2. If you want to touch and take a picture with tame animals, you can go to the place called animal babies in this zoo
3. I do not know why but trolls (monster) in every movie are so short
4. Where did you buy this cat? It is so cute and adorable
5. It is just one kilogram of paper but it is so heavy
6. Have you ever seen turbo? Yeah, in that movie, the snail is so fast
7. Just because you are ugly does not mean your personality is ugly
8. The dwarfs are so kind, they cooked and cleaned the house for Snow White
9. The car miniature is great but I think it is too small for such a car
10. Handsome is not the main modal of being an actor, you need talent, passion, and hard work to be successful in your career
11. People usually judge that being a model is only needed a pretty face, but the fact is, it is not.
12. Some of the houses in the new residence are too big to be taking care of
13.  You look so tall now comparing to last year
14. No wonder she is selected to be one of the most beautiful woman in Indonesia. She is really beautiful
15.  It is our responsibility to empower the poor society

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2. Distributive Adjective

adalah jenis kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan tentang bentuk atau sifat pembagian

Every Neither
Each Either

Karena contoh – contoh dari adjective sudah jelas, saya akan memberikan contoh contoh kalimat kata sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris

No. Sentence
1. Every year we will always have a holiday to our hometown in Jogja
2. Commitments are made to be agreed by each person who wants to join military
3. After the party is over, you may choose either stay in the hotel or stay in my house
4. Each of you have to make a promise to be loyal to our beloved country
5. Either shrimp or scallop could make me have a skin allergic
6. In this school, each teacher using laptop as a tool to teach the student
7. Drink the medicine every six hours
8. Madame, you can choose either juice or tea
9. My best friend like neither ketchup nor soya sauce
10. While waiting the dentist to come, every student are allowed to go to the school library
11. We almost won the game until each one of us getting tired and give up
12. I am a fan either biology and chemistry
13. Traditional market allowed the seller to sell their things after every seller pay the safety fee
14. We can sell either our furniture or tv
15.  Siska loves neither bee nor butterfly

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3. Possessive Adjective

adalah jenis kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan kepemilikan

Berikut ini, saya akan mencantumkan beberapa contoh dari Possessive Adjective

My Our
Your Her
Their His

Karena contoh – contoh dari kosakata adjective sudah jelas, saya akan memberikan contoh contoh kalimat kata sifat dalam Bahasa Inggris

No. Sentence
1. My heart belong to someone who could respect me
2. Since you bought the dog and taking care of it so well. Your dog really loves you
3. Do you see all this pretty clothes on closet? It is her collection
4. Your father told me that you should go home soon after you finish practice
5. Debby looks so stunning with her dress and shoes
6. I like his new car, looks better than the other one
7. His trouser is given by his auntie from USA
8. As a security, the people safety is our responsibility
9. Stop! Do not make another move! Her evidence is enough to put you in jail!
10. Do you know what I like the most about him? His smile
11. All you need is self control before you help them to solve their problems
12. A house in Brooklyn is not mine. It is my grandparents house
13. The choice is in your hand, you decide what you want to do
14. Finally after a long journey and suffer, this house is our house now
15. Because you know what we want, maybe you could be our colleague in business

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4. Demonstrative Adjective

adalah jenis kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menyatakan posisi

This Those
That These

Karena contoh – contoh dari adjective sudah jelas, saya akan memberikan contoh kalimatnya di bawah ini.

No. Sentence
1. Just because you are rich, it does not mean you can do everything you want to do to those poor people in the street
2. Look at that new actress! She is so stunning even in her late forties
3. I never meant to do those things to you. I just want to protect you
4. This is the thing that you need to do before you start working in this company
5. Your competitor will come from any region in Indonesia. That is why you should prepare your self at your best.
6. Those beautiful cakes are made by me. I sell those cake to the bakery shop
7. Raditya is a funny person, he could entertain another people so easy. That is why he is famous now as a comedian
8. Hospital? You can just take a drive in that direction and then at the end of the street, turn left
9. These mining that you should be taking care of, because it is our family legacy to us
10. Before you go to the market, please buy some medicine for me in that drugstore
11. And if I am not wrong, you should visit the chairman to talk about something important for this village
12. Take a look at those beef steaks, they are well cooked by a professional chef
13. That heritage belongs to every people in this country. Because our people are the one who found it and taking care of it
14. Decision made by my boss is not fair. This is not fair to me
15. Bed, blanket, pillow, and teddy bear are my favorite things in this room

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5. Interrogative Adjective

adalah jenis kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menanyakan sesuatu

Berikut ini, saya akan mencantumkan beberapa contoh dari Interrogative Adjective

Why Which
What Who
Where When
Whom How

Karena contoh – contoh dari adjective sudah jelas, saya akan memberikan contoh kalimatnya di bawah ini.

No. Sentence
1. What time is it now? I have to go to the office at 08.00 o’clock
2. I have been looking for you for a day. Where have you been?
3. How is your condition after the surgery?
4. She is a nice person but, why she stole the money?
5. Hey, I bought two new dresses. Which one you think suit me the best?
6. Wait a minute, you gave my scarf to whom?
7. You already bought the train tickets, so when will we go to Bandung?
8. He is wearing black leather jacket and brown shoes. Who is he?
9. Where is that little girl comes from?
10. You told me that I should never take that subject, but why so?
11. What will you do after you know that you can not passed the test?
12. Adam will have a world tour with his band. When will his visits in Indonesia?
13. Peter said he is going to leave Las Vegas. Where will he go then?
14. School bus was leaving you behind. How do you go to school then?
15. Which one do you prefer, black coffee or white coffee?

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6. Quantitative Adjective

adalah jenis kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan jumlah atau kuantitias sesuatu hal atau benda

Berikut ini, saya akan mencantumkan beberapa contoh dari Quantitative Adjective

many a lot few
much some  plenty of
a little any

Karena contoh – contoh dari adjective sudah jelas, saya akan memberikan contoh kalimatnya di bawah ini.

No. Sentence
1. A place where there is exist a lot of books is called as library
2. Some ice cream on the display are meant to be tester so you may taste it first then you can go buy the ice cream
3. Is there any fruit left in the fridge?
4. Many tourist come to Bali to enjoy their holiday
5. Can you add a little sugar to my tea? It is so bitter
6. Dinda does not have much money to pay the bills. That is why she sold her furniture
7. A lot of people are waiting for you tonight. They also want to see you on the press conference
8. There is plenty of fish in the sea that you can consume
9. Donny has a few books of biology that you can borrow
10. Many transportation that you could use to go tho the city center
11. Today I found a lot of friends in my new school and they are so friendly
12. How many cars she has? It seems like she buy a new car every year
13. Hello, any body home? I am Matthew, your daughter’s friend
14. There are so many ways in life, you have to choose one and the best way for you to help you to have a brighter future
15. No wonder if her merchandises are sold out within an hour. She has so many different design and color on it

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Cukup mudah bukan? Yang harus kalian perhatikan hanyalah fungsi dari stiap – tiap jenis adjective, agar kalian bisa membedakannya dengan lebih mudah dan tepat.

Usai sudah materi kita pada pertemuan kali ini yang membahas tentang contoh – contoh kalimat adjective. Semoga artikel ini membantu kalian dalam mempelajari materi adjective secara lebih mudah dan mendalam ya. Akhir kata, jangan pernah lengah dan lelah dalam belajar tetap bersemangat untuk meraih cita – citamu dan semoga berhasil untuk kedepannya!

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