Phrase and Clause

4 Jenis Adverbial Phrase – Pengertian – Contoh Lengkap

Adverbial Phrases? Pasti kalian sudah pernah mendengarnya bukan? Baiklah, untuk kalian yang belum pernah mendengarnya silahkan simak artikel berikut ini ya. Adverb phrases adalah salah satu jenis kata keterangan yang biasanya terdiri dari dua kata atau lebih.

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Pengertian Adverbial Phrase

Dalam penggunaannya, adverb bisa berdiri sendiri atau dimodifikasi dengan penambahan kata lainnya. Fungsinya sendiri tentunya sebagai Kata Keterangan dalam Bahasa Inggis dalam suatu kalimat agar suatu kalimat tersebut memiliki arti yang lengkap dan mudah dipahami.

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Karena makna lengkap dan mudah dipahami masih terlalu abstrak untuk dimengerti, maka dalam penggunaannya dalam kalimat, adverbial phrases dalam Bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu:

  1. How
  2. Where
  3. When
  4. Why

Pembagian jenis tersebut masih sangat dasar, dan masih memiliki penjabaran yang lebih kompleks untuk membedakan tiap – tiap jenis adverbial phrases. Mari kita bahas satu per satu tiap – tiap jenis adverb tadi untuk memahaminya lebih mendalam.

  1. How

Kegunaan adverb jenis ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kegiatan atau tindakan seseorang atas sesuatu hal. Entah itu dilihat dari segi frekuensi, tingkatan,  sikap, dan lain sebagainya. Contoh kosakata adverbial phrases dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut.

every morningwith a good purpose
almost diewith a high heels
so secretlytogether in harmony
twice a daywith bare hands
like a babyby bus

Karena contoh di atas bukanlah contoh penerapan dalam kalimat, contoh – contoh di bawah ini akan menjelaskan dan menjabarkan penggunaan adverb phrase jenis how di dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan kalimat yang dicetak tebal dengan informasi lebih lanjut pada kolom disebelahnya. Silahkan disimak, sebagai berikut.

Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Phrase Bahasa Inggris 

No.SentenceFurther Information
1.I watered my flower every morningHow often I watered my flower
2.The deer almost die after being hit by a carHow was the deer condition
3.She tries to hide her treasure so secretlyHow she tries to hide her treasure
4.Adam has to drink the medicine twice a day How often he has to drink the medicine
5.We are donating our blood with a good purpose which is to help those who need bloodHow they done something
6.When she knew that her pet gone, she was crying like a babyHow she cried / the way she cried
7.The competition today is for guys who run along the race with a high heelsHow they do the competition
8.The task is finish faster when they do it together in harmony  How they do the task
9.They were eating the dinner with a spoon and forkHow they eat
10.There is no washing machine here so she has to washes the clothe with bare handsHow she washes the clothes
11.When my dad can not takes me to school, I go by busHow I went to school
12.To be honest, I sent the letter just nowHow I tell the truth
13.Can you see the scenery from here? It is amazingly beautiful!How I define the beauty
14. You have to sew the clothes from the top to the bottom How you have to sew clothes
15.That new worker doing his job so bad and long How I define that new worker job
16. I always try to give my best in every job I do with a grateful heartHow I do my job
17.Harry goes to the gym three times a week to be healthyHow often he goes to gym
18.If you want to make a perfect sketch then try it with pencilHow you should make a perfect sketch
19.Yes he uses train as his transportation and he pays the trains with electric card for trainHow he pays the train
20.After you make the dough, set it aside for an hourHow long you should set aside your dough

Artikel terkait:

  1. Where

Kegunaan adverb jenis ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dimana suatu kegiatan atau tindakan seseorang sedang berlangsung. Contoh kosakata adverbial phrases Bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut.

At schoolOn you
In the gardenBy the end of the street
Trough the windowRight here
Over the seaOver there
Around the fireplaceIn the market

Karena contoh di atas bukanlah contoh penerapan dalam kalimat, contoh – contoh di bawah ini akan menjelaskan dan menjabarkan penggunaan adverb phrase jenis where di dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan kalimat yang dicetak tebal dengan informasi lebih lanjut pada kolom disebelahnya. Silahkan disimak, sebagai berikut.

Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Phrase dalam Bahasa Inggris 

No.SentenceFurther Information
1.I think you lost your book at school libraryWhere he lost his book
2.My family want to build a fish pond in the backyard Where they want to build a fish pond
3.That beautiful butterfly flies trough the window Where it goes
4.The pelicans fly and catch their prey over the seas Where they catch their prey
5.All the boy scout grab their sit around the fireplace to know more clues of the gameWhere they sit
6.They give their burden on meWhere they give the burden
7.He told me that I need to wait by the end of the street and then he will pick me up thereWhere I need to wait him to pick me up
8.You can take your lottery right thereWhere I can take my lottery
9.Over here! We found your dog!Where they found my dog
10.There was a fire  in the market because of electric short circuitWhere the accident happened
11.She wants to go to somewhere new with a new ambiance of natureWhere she wants to go
12.I can not find him here and there Where I can not find him
13.They made a horror movie in the old cemetery   Where they made a horror movie
14. Let’s play hide and seek outside the room Where we play hide and seek
15.They keep the secret recipe in the Amy’s house downstairs Where they keep the secret recipe
16.In ancient times, people save their money under their bed Where they save their money
17.They bought the beef on this spot yesterday Where they bought the beef
18.You can find the lemon water in all places around the city Where you can find lemon water
19.The church is across the street Where the church is
20. The woman who lives on the next door is my grandma Where she lives

Artikel terkait:

  1. When

Kegunaan adverb jenis ini adalah untuk menjelaskan kapan suatu kegiatan atau tindakan seseorang sedang berlangsung. Contohnya adalah sebagai berikut.

 very early two days ago
in a minute after the sunrise
 any time before the weekend
 at midnight at five o’clock
 too latebefore noon

Karena contoh di atas bukanlah contoh penerapan dalam kalimat, contoh – contoh di bawah ini akan menjelaskan dan menjabarkan penggunaan adverb phrase jenis when di dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan kalimat yang dicetak tebal dengan informasi lebih lanjut pada kolom sebelahnya. Silahkan disimak, sebagai berikut.

Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Phrase Bahasa Inggris 

No.SentenceFurther Information
1.She came to school very early today, not as usualWhen she came to school
2.Hey! Wait! I will be back in a minute then we go to the hospital together, okay?When something happens / when I go to somewhere
3.Mrs. Anna told me that you can meet her any time you need herWhen Mrs. Anna can be met by you
4.The festival will be held at midnight When the festival will be held
5.It is too late for you to follow the auditionWhen the audition happens
6.Anita went to London two days ago exactly before the farewell party in your houseWhen she goes
7.We should go and start the hiking after the sunriseWhen they will start the hiking
8.All the student must collect their homework before the weekend When the student must collect their homework
9. In the fairy tale, Cinderella has to be back home before noon When she has to be back
10.I used to wake up at five o’clock in the morning  When I wake up
11. He came very late to the meeting When he came
12. Mr. Robby asked you to meet him after school When you have to meet him
13.I decided to go to the capital city a month ago  When I decided to go
14.Every teacher teach us to finish any exercise in a day When we have to finish any exercise
15. The invitation is sent two weeks ago When the invitation is sent
16.Any time you need my help, just call me When you need me
17. We have to prepare everything before the halloween night  When we have to prepare everything
18. I will be there at seven! When I will be there
19.You have to return the book in time When you have to return the book
20.I have to sign the contract this morning When I have to sign the contract

Artikel terkait:

  1. Why

Kegunaan adverb jenis ini adalah untuk menjelaskan mengapa suatu kegiatan atau tindakan seseorang sedang berlangsung. Contoh kosakata Adverbial Phrases adalah sebagai berikut.

to be better to be shown to her mother
for having delicious cookies because of the sad movie
she can not talkto be remembered
because he is richneed help
no more moneybecause of hunger

Baca Juga:

Karena contoh di atas bukanlah contoh penerapan dalam kalimat, contoh – contoh di bawah ini akan menjelaskan dan menjabarkan penggunaan adverb phrase jenis why di dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan kalimat yang dicetak tebal dengan informasi lebih lanjut pada kolom disebelahnya. Silahkan disimak, sebagai berikut.

Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Phrases Bahasa Inggris 

No.SentenceFurther Information
1.The prisoner follow rehabilitation to be better when they are out of jailWhy they follow rehabilitation
2.For having delicious cookies, I learn how to cook with my auntieWhy I learn cooking
3.She was studying in special school because she can not talk Why she studies in special school
4.Bill Gates donated his wealth because he is rich and cares to the otherWhy he donated his money
5.I can not open a coffee shop because I have no money for itWhy I can not open a coffee shop
6.She paint a painting to be shown to her mother that she loves herWhy she paint a painting
7.Me and my friend cried all day long because of a sad movie Why we cried all day long
8.People made a statue of our first president to be remembered by young generation Why people made a statue
9.They got an accident and they need help soon Why they need help
10. Those thieves stole some amount of ransom because of hunger  Why they steal
11.I love it, that is why I choose to make cupcakes Why I choose to make cupcakes
12.Susan sleeps during the class, she is still sleepy Why she sleeps during the class
13.Every people could stress if they have no entertainment  Why people could stress
14.Puppies still need its mother protection after birth because they are weak and fragile  Why puppies need protection
15.You have to pay more if you return the book late Why you have to pay more
16.To keep your house clean, you have to clean it everyday Why you have to clean your house
17. I learned karate for my own protection Why I learned karate
18.It’s been raining these days, I feel cold too recently Why I feel cold
19.I save my money to buy the shoes  Why I save my money
20.There are warned that we can’t feed animals in the zoo Why we can’t feed animal in the zoo

Sampai disini dulu perjumpaan kita tentang materi Adverbial Phrase dalam Bahasa Inggris. Jangan lupa untuk tetap mengulang materi yang telah kalian pelajari kali ini, juga materi – materi Bahasa Inggris sebelumnya ya. Tetap semangat dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris bersama kami, dan semoga berhasil!

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