10 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Berikut adalah contoh soal dan jawaban mengenai past perfect continuous tense.

Untuk menghindari kebingungan, jika anda masih kurang paham apa itu yang dimaksud dengan past perfect continuous tense, bagaimana rumusnya dan apa saja contohnya, silakan baca: past continuous tense

Rubah Kalimat Tersebut Ke Bentuk Past Perfect Continuous

Pada soal di bawah ini terdapat kalimat dengan tenses lain (present continuous tense atau present tense), jika dirubah ke dalam bentuk past continuous tense maka akan menjadi:

  1. We are cooking pasta

a. We had been cooking pasta

b. We have been cooking pasta

c. We has been cooking pasta

  1. Hanbin is in the Lab

a. Hanbin had been being in the lab

b. Hanbin have been being in the lab

c. Hanbin had been in the lab

  1. Were you visiting Garut?

a. Had been you visiting garut?

b. Had you been visiting garut?

c. Had you been being visit garut?

  1. Sano have been living in Jakarta for 5 years

a. Sano had been living in Jakarta for five years

b. Sano have been living in Jakarta for five years

c. Sano has been living in Jakarta for five years

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Terjemahkan Kalimat Tersebut dalam Bentuk Past Perfect Continuous

Contoh soal past perfect continuous tense. Berikut ini adalah kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia, jika kalimat-kalimat tersebut ditrjemahkan dalam bahasa Inggris, manakah yang tepat menurut tenses past continuous tense?

  1. Saya belum berada di kelas selama dua jam sebelum Jaewon pergi

a. I had not been being in the classroom before jaewon went

b. I had not been being in the classroom before jaewon gone

c. I have not been being in the classroom before jaewon go 

  1. Aku telah memperbaiki laptopku selama beberapa jam sebelum aku menghadiri kelas

a. I have been fixing my laptop for a few hours before I attend the class

b. I had been fixing my laptop for a few hours before I attended the class

c. I had been fixing my laptop for a few hours before I attend the class

  1. Saya telah bermain video games selama 3 jam sebelum saya makan

a. I had been playing video games for three hours before I eaten

b. I have been playing video games for three hours before I ate

c. I had been playing video games for three hours before I ate

  1. Saya telah membaca buku sebelum saya pergi ke taman

a. I had been reading a book before I went to the park

b. I have been reading a book before I go to the park

c. I had been reading a book before I gone to the park 

  1. Saya telah menonton video sebelum saya pergi ke kantor

a. I had been watching video before I go to the office

b. I have been watching video before I went to the office

c. I had been watching video before I went to the office

  1. Apakah James belum tinggal di Jakarta selama dua tahun sebelum dia pindah ke Garut?

a. Had not been James living in Jakarta for two years before he moved to Garut?

b. Had James not been living in Jakarta for two years before he move to Garut?

c. Had James not been living in Jakarta for two years before he moved to Garut?

Kunci Jawaban:

  1. a
  2. a
  3. b
  4. a
  5. a
  6. b
  7. c
  8. a
  9. c
  10. c

Nah, itulah contoh soal past perfect continuous tense yang harus kamu jawab. Jika bingung, kamu bisa belajar lagi dengan materi di bawah ini.

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