30 Contoh Noun Clause Sebagai Object – Rumus

Noun clause seperti yang sudah dibahas disini adalah dua kata atau lebih yang membentuk kata benda dan  berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek. Agar lebih mengenal fungsi dari noun clause sebagai objek lebih jauh, dibawah ini ada beberapa contoh penerapannya dalam kalimat.

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Seperti telah dibahas di contoh noun clause, ada 3 rumus yang berlaku ketika noun clause menjadi objek, yaitu:

  1. S + V + kata tanya (when, where, why, how, what, why) + S + V
    2. S + V + that + S + V
    3. S + V + if/ whether + S + V

Agar lebih jelas penggunaan dari rumus-rumus diatas, mari kita lihat contoh-contoh berikut ini:

S + V + kata tanya + S + V

  1. We don’t know for sure who knocked the door last night.
  2. Can you tell me which bus goes to down town?
  3. You have to choose what kind of movie we will see this week end
  4. Ayu is wondering who left a flower in her desk.
  5. Diana is the only one who knows where his father is
  6. The focus of our study is how we can pass the final exam
  7. Do you know who the actor for this drama is?
  8. They wonder how long they should study it
  9. She can do whatever she want on this week end
  10. Please tell me who left this books in my drawer

S + V + that + S + V

  1. The reason we were late is that we was waiting the bus too long
  2. I hope that you enjoy your holiday
  3. I didn’t realize that you no longer stay with your family
  4. Budi forget that his mother is birthday today
  5. My boss said that I am a good worker
  6. The teacher afraid that the student will not pass the final exam
  7. Jerry told me that he was going to be late
  8. I know that the movie will start soon
  9. I believe that she will be a good singer someday
  10. I know that Martha studied very well 

S + V + if/ whether + S + V

  1. Do you know whether our teacher is coming?
  2. Do you know whether there is traditional market here?
  3. I am not sure if he will come to the party
  4. Liz can’t decide whether to go on diet or not
  5. I don’t know whether she will come or not
  6. Richard asked me whether I had ever been to Japan
  7. Ray should go to Jakarta if he will continue his study
  8. They discussed whether they should go to down town today
  9. I am sure if he will come back to this city soon
  10. She insist to go whether her husband go with her or not

Dari contoh beberapa kalimat diatas, dapat dilihat noun clause (ditulis tebal) yang menjadi objek pada suatu kalimat. Jadi walaupun terdapat 2 subjek dan 2 kata kerja, namun kalimat diatas adalah satu kesatuan karena kalimat yang dicetak tebal adalah noun clause atau kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda.

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