Hi there! Its nice to see you again in azbahasainggris.com. Sekarang kita akan mempelajari penggunaan neither,either dan both. Mungkin teman-teman sedikit kebingungan soal kapan kita harus menggunakan both, either dan neither karena arti dari ketiga kosakata itu hampir sama yaitu Keduanya. Cermati tiga contoh percakapan diatas agar lebih mudah mengerti nantinya. Oh iya kamu harus menguasai tenses dulu biar makin ngerti belajar penggunaan either, neither, dan both.
Namun penggunaanya dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat variatif juga, bisa jadi kata ganti subyek dan obyek kalimat. selain itu neither,either dan both juga berperan untuk penekanan makna. Untuk lebih jelasnya kalian biasa liat dibawah
Penggunaan either, neither dan both sebagai kata ganti dalam kalimat.
- Hana : Do you like rendang or spaghetti?/ Kamu suka rendang atau spagheti?
Arga : I like both of them./ Aku suka keduanya. - Romana : Would you like coffee or tea? I have either./ Kamu mau kopi atau teh? Saya punya keduanya.
Rekno : Tea, without sugar please./ Teh,tanpa gula ya. - Albert : Do you want to go to zoo or park?/ Mau pergi ke kebun binatang atau taman?
Leksmana : Neither, I want to go to cinema. ( ngga keduanya, Saya mau ke bioskop)
1. Neither, either dan both sebagai kata ganti obyek (object pronoun)
- I see a blue and red car. I do not want to buy both cars.
- She disliked Dodi and Dino . She disliked both boys.
- I have purple and green books. You can have either book.
- He gets red and blue present. You can ask either present.
- They want to see bear and tiger, but they can not find neither animals.
- The cat gave birth to those kittens, but you can not as neither kittens
2. Neither, either dan both sebagai kata ganti subyek (subject pronoun)
- Anjay has two daughters. Both of them are married.
- Benny likes Gina and Danu. Both of them are his best friend.
- I read two books but neither book was interesting
- He gets red an blue present, Neither of them are fancy.
- They want to see bear and tiger, either of them are cute.
- I see a blue and red car, either of them are expensive.
Penggunaan either, neither dan both pada contoh diatas befungsi sebagai kata ganti benda, dapat dipakai sebagai pengganti subyek dan obyek dengan kalimat positif. Untuk kalimat negatif kalian bisa ganti kalimat nya dengan formasi kalimat negatif. Jangan lupa liat tensesnya ya.
3. Penggunaan Both dalam kalimat
Rumus: Both + adjective + and + adjective.
- She is both tall and pretty.
- They are both handsome and rich
Rumus: Both+ noun + and + noun. Singular dan plural.
- Radiv speaks both Javanese and Bahasa.
- He has both cats and dogs
- Giman is both an actor and a director.
Rumus: Both + of + plural determiners. untuk mengetahui apaitu determiners, lihat di Contoh Determiner + Adjective + Noun
- Both of my friends spend much money
- A cup is given to both of players
Rumus: Both + of + object pronouns. Untuk kata ganti obyek lihat disini
- I and my girlfriend are free now, I hope they invite us both
- I have a pencil and a pen, do you need both of them?
Rumus: To be + both
- I am both handsome and cool.
- Rudy and Ainun are both ready to go to Germany.
4. Penggunaan neither dalam kalimat
Neither digunakan untuk menyatakan tidak untuk keduanya.
Neither ..nor. Biasanya kita pakai and, tetapi ketika memakai neither harus pakai nor bukan and
- I neither smoke nor drink. Bukan smoke and drink
- I want neither red nor blue bandana. Bukan red and blue bandana
Neither + kata benda tunggal.
- There are many teams. neither team wants to lose
- My mom and dad is going to Bandung, Neither my parent is going to visit me.
Neither + of + object pronoun (kata ganti obyek)
- Neither of them are going to the party.
- Neither of us had enough money.
Neither untuk menjawab secara singkat
A: I have never been to Medan.
B: Neither have I
A: I am not a rich man.
B: Neither am I
5. Penggunaan Either dalam kalimat
Either digunakan untuk menyatakan iya/afirmasi ke salah satunya.
Either..or.. Karena pernyataan iya/afirmasi ke salah satunya kita pakai or, bukan and atau nor.
- You can have either red or blue socks. (but not both/bukan kedua kaus kakinya)
- Either you or Maulana have to finish the task today. (bukan kamu dan Maulana, tetapi salah satunya)
Either +singular (kata benda tunggal)
- Do you want to go with me on thursday or friday? Either day is fine for me.
- I have red and blue car, but you can only borrow either car.
Either + or + plural nouns (kata benda jamak)
- We have been dating for 6 months, But I only met either of her parents.
- I have not read either of these books.
Either + or + Object pronouns (kata ganti obyek)
- I don’t think he is going to invite either of us.
- I think I left my keys and wallet at the office. I don’t want to lose either of them.
Either untuk menjawab secara singkat
A: I have never been to Medan.
B: I have not either
A: I am not a rich guy
B: I am not either
Demikianlah cara untuk menggunakan neither,either dan both. Memang agak rumit (bahkan penutur asli masih suka kebingungan) penggunaan ini karena secara gramatikal penyusunan either sama neither dapat dibolak-balik, untuk itu seminimal mungkin kalian harus dapat menguasai arti atau terjemahan dari kalimat yang menggunakan both, neither dan either.
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