
Penggunaan Likely Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Rumus

Pada contoh pertama kalian pasti udah tau artinya, Aku sangat menyukai dia (perempuan). Pada contoh ke 2 sampai 5?? Okay, pay attention guys, cos I will explicate them to you!

  1. I like her a lot!/ Saya sangat menyukai dia (perempuan).
  2. I likely to adore him./ Saya mungkin menyukai dia (laki-laki)
  3. She is unlikely to go to the party./ Sepertinya dia tidak akan pergi ke pesta itu.
  4. Are you likely to give her a present? or Shall I do that? Apakah kamu akan memberikan dia sebuah hadiah? atau saya saja yang memberikan? (tentunya harus ada kemungkinan besar dia tidak akan memberi kado/skeptis.
  5. they appear likely that they are having fun./ Mereka kelihatan sedang bersenang, kayaknya atau Mereka kayaknya terlihat sedang bersenang-senang (likely di susunan kalimat Bahasa Indonesia kita taruh di belakang atau bisa setelah kata ‘mereka’)

Buat apa sih pakai likely?

Hey! Welcome aboard in Kalian pernah baca atau denger kalimat diatas? mungkin beberapa dari kalian bingung arti like disini itu menyukai atau ada arti lain, karena kata kerja bisa berubah makna karena berubah bentuk, coba lihat Word Conversion atau Verb Derivation

Well, ngga salah kok karena like kata kerja (verb) memang artinya menyukai, but wait a minute, likely dan unlikely punya arti berbeda. Likely digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu yang mungkin terjadi atau tidak akan terjadi. Jadi harus ada kesan skeptis ketika menggunakan likely.

Cara Menggunakan likely dan unlikely Dengan Rumus

1. Likely sebelum kata kerja,/ Likely + to + verb

Contoh untuk kalimat positif:

  1. I am likely to adore him.
  2. We are likely to spend our holiday in Germany.
  3. Budi and Dina are likely to leave for Jogjakarta tonight.

Contoh untuk kalimat negatif dengan unlikely:

  1. I am unlikely to adore him.
  2. We were unlikely to spend our holiday in Germany
  3. Budi and Dina are unlikely to leave for Jogjakarta tonight.

Contoh kalimat interogatif:

  1. Am I unlikely to adore him?
  2. Were we unlikely to spend holiday in Germany?
  3. Are Budi and Dina unlikely to leave for Jogjakarta tonight? 

2. Likely sesudah to be

Contoh dengan kalimat positif:

  1. You are likely to have a date with Gina.
  2. She is likely to believe that she can pass the exam.
  3. We were likely to go to your house.

Contoh dengan kalimat negatif:

  1. You are not likely to have a date with Gina.
  2. She is not likely to believe that she can pass the exam.
  3. We were not likely to go to your house.

Contoh dengan kalimat interogatif:

  1. Are you likely to have a date with Gina?
  2. Is she likely to believe that she can pass the exam?
  3. Were we likely to go to your house? 

3. Likely sebelum kata benda. Noun disini bisa juga berupa kalimat/frasa/klausa dan benda.

Contoh dengan kalimat positif:

  1. I feel likely the cause of the fire is short circuit.
  2. We seem likely the murderer is that guy with scratch on his face.
  3. Mark and Arif appear likely in that tribunal.

Contoh dengan kalimat negatif:

  1. I do not feel likely the cause of the fire is short circuit.
  2. She does not seem likely the murderer is that guy with scratch on his face.
  3. Mark and Arif do not appear likely in that tribunal.

Contoh dengan kalimat interogatif:

  1. Do I feel likely the cause of the fire is short circuit.
  2. Does she seem likely the murderer is that guy with scratch on his face.
  3. Do Mark and Arif appear likely in that tribunal.

4. Likely sebelum kata that dan will

Contoh dengan kalimat positif:

  1. I think likely that there will be a circus show tonight.
  2. It seems likely that we will live in Mars in the future
  3. She believes likely that the day after tomorrow will be her lucky day.

Contoh dengan kalimat negatif:

  1. I do not think likely that there will be a circus show tonight.
  2. It does not seem likely that we will live in Mars in the future
  3. She does not believe likely that on the day after tomorrow will be her lucky day.

Contoh dengan kalimat interogatif:

  1. Do I think likely that there will be a circus show tonight.
  2. Does it likely that we will live in Mars in the future.
  3. Does she believe likely that on the day after tomorrow will be her lucky day.

5. Likely sesudah penggunaan adverb. (digunakan untuk memperkuat makna)

Contoh dengan kalimat positif:

  1. I highly likely to do more for our assignment.
  2. They very likely to do their homework now.
  3. She thinks that she is so likely to study at Cambridge University

Contoh dengan kalimat negatif:

  1. I am not highly likely to do more for our assignment.
  2. They are not very likely to do their homework now.
  3. She does not think that she is so likely to study at Cambridge University

Contoh dengan kalimat interogatif:

  1. Am I highly likely to do more for our assignment?
  2. Are They very likely to do their homework now?
  3. Does she think that she is so likely to study at Cambridge University?

Things to note

  1. Penggunaan contoh likely dan unlikely diatas menggunakan beberapa tenses, kalian bisa lihat di tenses untuk memahami perubahan dari kalimat positif ke negatif dan interogatif.
  2. Sebenarnya tidak ada perbedaan mendasar antara penggunaan likely sesudah to be atau sebelum to + verb. Kalian bisa lihat contoh diatas. Hanya saja karena likely adalah kata sifat, maka penggunaan sesudah subyek harus dengan to be. Contoh I am likely, ngga bisa I likely atau dengan contoh We were unlikely, tidak bisa we unlikely.
  3. Likely dalam penggunaan that + will merupakan gabungan dari dua kalimat.

Nah, itulah penggunaan Likely dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan rumus lengkap yang mudah untuk dipelajari.