
Contoh Presentasi Bahasa Inggris yang Baik dengan Tips

Contoh bahasa Inggris presentasi yang baik dapat memberikan anda pemahaman bagaimana membuat presentasi yang baik, yang runtut, logis dan mudah dipahami. Pada dasarnya, sebelum kita membuat draft presentasi, kita harus mengetahui dengan baik materi yang akan disampaikan serta target audience yang akan dihadapi.

Presentasi terdiri dari dari:

  1. Pendahuluan,
  2. Bagian Inti,
  3. dan Penutup.

Kita harus menyusun draft presentasi yang singkat, padat dan jelas. Untuk memperjelas paparan dalam presentasi, anda bisa menggunakan bantuan aplikasi Power Point.

1. Pendahuluan

Di pendahuluan, anda bisa memperkenalkan diri dan lembaga atau profesi yang anda wakili. Di bagian ini, anda juga bisa memberikan latar belakang dan ringkasan singkat mengenai materi dalam presentasi ada.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I’m Arini, the representative of Yogyakarta Youth Centre. Before we start our discussion about bullying in education institution, let me present about bullying from different points of view. In this presentation, I would like to ask you to see bullying from our society’s eyes. At the end of presentation, you are supposed to have your own opinion and to decide on what side you would stand by. By having different points of view, we will have better and wiser solution for this problem.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Let’s start looking at bullying in Indonesia. The cases of bullying in Indonesia, especially in educational institutions, has been a public concern for the last few decades. People are beginning to feel that bullying is an inhumane behavior and needs to be eliminated from tradition. What has triggered the public reaction is many unfolding events related to leading-to-death bullying. There are pros and cons in society related to bullying behavior. Psychologists and sociologists assert that bullying behavior can lead to some bad effects on victims socially and emotionally. Nevertheless, some opinions circulating in the community state that bullying is a positive thing, especially in training a person’s mental strength.

2. Bagian Inti

Di bagian inti presentasi anda bisa memberikan penjelasan lebih detil tentang materi yang akan anda sampaikan. Dukung penjelasan anda dengan opini dan data sehingga presentasi anda dapat memberikan kesan yang mendalam.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The first opinion comes from mostly psychologists and sociologists. Psychologists and sociologists suggest that bullying can affect the victims emotionally and socially. The bullying victims may become anti socials. They become shy, not confident, closed, and even always feel threatened while among people, so they are not able to develop strong social relations with the surroundings. They always feel that the people around him is a threat. Some cases even show that a person experiencing bullying at a young age has the potential to become a bullying target during adulthood and even become the bullying agent itself. This makes bullying into a cycle with a difficult chain to break.

Different opinions have evolved within the community itself. Some community groups claim that bullying is necessary to train a person’s mental to be more resilient. With bullying, a person will be more respectful and appreciative of an older or more senior person in an organization. This is widely seen in formal educational institutions wrapped in an introduction to a school or campus environment such as OSPEK or MOS. Educational institutions with the highest bullying cases occur in official schools with semi-military education models such as IPDN. This annual tradition is strongly influenced by the culture of seniority in the military hierarchy and feudal traditions that are deeply rooted in the culture of Indonesian society. 

3. Penutup

Sebelum anda menutup presentasi anda, buat kesimpulan dari materi yang telah ada presentasikan. Anda bisa memberikan kesempatan pada audience untuk memberikan pertanyaan, atau anda bisa mengakhirinya langsung setelah sebelumnya menyampaikan terima kasih atas perhatian audience.

Ladies and gentlemen,

At the final section, I would like to make a summary. Regardless of the pros and cons of bullying, let’s look at it from the point of view of the victim. What are their opinions and feelings when they experience bullying? Do they benefit from the action or even cause prolonged resentment? Is there a strong correlation between bullying and mental action? Once you have the answer, you should decide where to stand, of course along with logical reasons. You should do the right actions to overcome bullying in society and make sure that the victims still have a chance to continue their lives safely without any resentment in their hearts.

At last, please set up your opinion and feel free to share them in our discussion after this. Thank you.

Tips Lancar Presentasi dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Kuasai materi yang akan dipresentasikan
  • Latihan speaking sebelumnya
  • Gunakan proper outfit
  • Jangan nervous

Demikianlah contoh bahasa Inggris presentasi yang baik. Anda bisa menggunakan beberapa expression  di atas untuk membuat presentasi anda sendiri.