Giving invitation merupakan ekspresi atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengundang seseorang dalam suatu acara atau kegiatan tertentu. Dalam mengundang seseorang, tentu saja tidak asal kalimat supaya orang yang kita undang tertarik atau mau menghadiri acara / melakukan kegiatan tersebut. Bahasa yang baik dan tidak menyinggung perasaan orang lain adalah hal utama yang perlu diperhatikan. Baca Contoh Noun Cluster.
Hal yang kedua adalah bagaimana membalas atau menjawab undangan tersebut? Tentu saja ada dua jenis balasan jika kita mendapat undangan, yang pertama kita setuju dan mau datang. Yang kedua jika kita berhalangan dan ingin menolak undangan tersebut tanpa menyakiti perasaan si pengundang. Inilah yang akan kita bahas kali ini.
Berikut adalah contoh percakapan Bahasa Inggris giving invitation beserta reply atau jawaban baik menerima (accepting invitation) maupun menolak (refusing invitation). Baca juga Contoh Kalimat Caution dan Factitive Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris.
1. Giving Invitation dengan Accepting Reply.
Berikut ada beberapa contoh percakapan giving invitation dengan balasan menerima undangan tersebut.
Contoh percakapan:
- Inviting for Birthday Party
Sania : Dena, are you free this saturday night?
Dena : I think so. What’s up Sania?
Sania : I will hold a birthday party, not a big one. But only for my close friend and family. Would you like to come?
Dena : Absolutely, I’m free and I’m your close friend either. Why should I refuse it?
Sania : Oh… I’m so happy to hear that. Don’t be late,ok? At 7 p.m in Garden Cafe near my house.
Dena : I’ll do my best to come earlier, Sania. Thanks anyway.
- Inviting for Study Club
Kiki : The time for National Exam is getting closer, isn’t it?
Reno: Yup… I get some difficulties for Maths and Science. Wish I have someone to study together, or at least to share the knowledge for me.
Kiki : Don’t you know that we have a group to study, I mean a study club here.
Reno: Really? I don’t know about that.
Kiki : Yes, that’s right. We have some members here. We study every Monday to Thursday after school. We share the knowledge and discuss everything about our subjects. Will you join us? Everyone will be happy to welcome new member here.
Reno : Sure… I really want to, Kiki. When should I come and join you?
Kiki : Would you come today? If you want, I will accompany you to go there.
Reno : Yes, I would. I’m so happy.
Kiki : Well, see you here after school,ok? We will go together then.
Reno: Ok, Kiki. See you.
2. Giving Invitation dengan Refusing Reply.
Di bawah ini adalah contoh percakapan giving invitation dengan balasan menolak (refusing invitation).
Contoh percakapan:
- Inviting for Charity Event
Ina : Our school will hold Charity event this week. Everyone is invited to come to this event. Would you come, Sisi?
Sisi :Yeah, I have read the announcement. But, sorry.. I don’t think I can come, Ina. My father is hospitalised now. I need to accompany him on Sunday.
Ina : Oh.. I’m so sorry to hear that. That’s ok Sisi. You better accompany him first, maybe you can join us for the next event.
Sisi : Yes, hopefully Ina.
Ina : Wish your father getting better soon. Send my greeting to him.
Sisi : Ok. Thanks Ina.
Itulah beberapa contoh percakapan giving invitation dalam Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat. Baca juga: Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Passive Causative.