Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya (pokok kalimat) melakukan pekerjaan. Lawan dari kalimat aktif ialah kalimat pasif, yakni kalinya yang subjeknya (pokok kalimat) dikenai pekerjaan. Kata kerja kalimat aktif berawalan me- dan ber-, sedangkan kata kerja kalimat pasif berwalan di- dan ter-. Pokok kalimat (subjek) pada kalimat aktif menjadi pelengkap pelaku (objek) pada kalimat pasif). Penderita (objek) pada kalimat aktif menjadi pokok kalimat (subjek) pada kalimat pasif.
Berbeda dengan kalimat aktif, kalimat pasif lebih menekankan pada peristiwa atau kejadian, bukan pada orang yang berbuat. Dengan kata lain, kalimat pasif bisa digunakan untuk mengaburkan pelaku perbuatan.
Kala atau tense yang sangat mempengaruhi perubahan kata kerja to be bila kalimat aktif dijadikan kalimat pasif. Namun, hubungan antara kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif berkorepondensi. Artinya, jika kalimat aktif simple present tense maka kalimat pasifnya harus simple present tense juga, kalau past tense maka past tense, dan kalau beraspek perfect maka harus perfect. Contoh Kalimat Tenses Aktif dan Pasif:
1. Simple Present Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + Verb I + O
Kalimat pasif = S + to be (is/am/are) + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- I helps her to clean her room. (Saya membantu dia membersihkan kamarnya)
She is helped by me to clean her room. (Dia dibantu oleh saya membersihkan kamarnya)
- Amelie helps her mother. (Amelie membantu ibunya)
Her mother is usually helped by Amelie. (Ibunya biasa dibantu oleh Amelie)
- She does the report in the office. (Dia mengerjakan laporan di kantor)
The report is done by her in the office. (Laporan dikerjakan oleh dia di kantor)
2. Simple Past Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + Verb II + O
Kalimat pasif = S + was/were + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- They ate some cake yesterday. (Mereka telah makan beberapa kue kemarin)
Some cake was eaten by them yesterday. (Beberapa kue telah dimakan oleh mereka kemarin).
- Katie bought this book last week. (Katie telah membeli buku ini minggu lalu)
This book was bought by Katie last week. (Buku ini telah dibeli Katie minggu lalu)
- Robin made this mistake. (Robin telah membuat kesalahan)
This mistake was made by Robin. (Kesalahan telah dibuat oleh Robin)
3. Simple Future Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + shall/will + Verb I + O
Kalimat pasif = S + shall/will + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- You shall visit grandmother in the hospital. (Kau akan mengunjungi nenek di rumah sakit)
Grandmother will be visited by you in the hospital. (Nenek akan dikunjungi oleh kau di rumah sakit)
4. Present Continuous Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + is/am/are + Verb I + -ing + O
Kalimat pasif = S + is/am/are + being + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- We are sweeping the class. (Kami sedang menyapu kelas)
The class is being swept by us. (Kelas disapu oleh kami)
Contoh Kalimat Tenses Aktif dan Pasif lainnya antara lain:
5. Present Perfect Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + have/has + Verb III + O
Kalimat pasif = S + have/has + been + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- They have taken my puzzle. (Mereka sudah mengambil teka-teki saya)
My puzzle have been taken by them. (Teka-teki saya sudah diambil oleh mereka)
6. Past Continuous Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + was/were + Verb I + -ing + O
Kalimat pasif = S + was/were + being + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- We were matching pingpong when Jane met Bobby. (Mereka sedang bertanding pingpong ketika Jane menemui Bobby)
Pingpong was being matched by us when Jane met Bobby. (Pingpong sedang dipertandingkan ketika Jane menemui Bobby)
7. Past Perfect Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + had + Verb III + O
Kalimat pasif = S + had + been + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- She had helped me when you met them. (Dia sudah membantu saya ketika kau menemui mereka)
I had been helped by her when you met them. (Aku sudah dibantu oleh dia ketika kau menemui mereka)
- The running away murderer had killed the boy. (Pembunuh yang kabur telah membunuh laki-laki)
The boy had been killed by the running away murderer. (Laki-laki telah dibunuh oleh pembunuh yang kabur)
8. Past Future Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + should/would + Verb I + O
Kalimat pasif = S + should/would + be + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- My friend would explain the incident the week before. (Temanku akan menjelaskan soal peristiwa itu minggu sebelumnya)
The incident would be explained by my friend the week before. (Peristiwa itu akan dijelaskan oleh temanku minggu sebelumnya)
9. Past Future Perfect Tense in Active Voice and Passive Voice
Kalimat aktif = S + should/would + have + Verb III + O
Kalimat pasif = S + should/would + have + been + Verb III + by + O
Contoh kalimat:
- You would have found them if I had given news. (Kau akan sudah mencari mereka jika aku memberi kabar)
They would have been found by you if I had given news. (Mereka akan sudah dicari oleh kau jika aku memberi kabar)
Itulah Contoh Kalimat Tenses Aktif dan Pasif. Tetap semangat belajar bahasa Inggris, ya!
Baca juga :
- Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Contoh Kalimat Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris
- Rumus Passive Voice
- Contoh Kalimat Aktif Bahasa Inggris