Causative verb digunakan untuk menyatakan orang pertama menyebabkan orang kedua melakukan sesuatu untuk orang pertama. Intinya, causative verb ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa kita menyuruh seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk kita. Causative verb tersebut adalah:
1. Have dan Get
Causative verb have ini bisa digunakan untuk kalimat aktif maupun pasif. Berikut adalah rumusnya:
- Untuk Kalimat Positif
Subject + have (any tense) + complement (usually person) + [verb in simple form]
Justin had Sheryl wash his clothes.
- Untuk Kalimat Aktif (Rumus Kedua)
Subject + get (any tense)+ complement (usually person) + [verb in infinitive]
James get Maureen to wash the motorcycle.
- Untuk Kalimat Pasif
Subject+ get / have (any tense) + complement (usually thing)+ [verb in past participle]
James get the motorcycle washed.
2. Make
Kata make hanya untuk kalimmat aktif saja. Kata ini memiliki makna yang lebih kuat dibanding causative verb get atau have. Untuk penggunaan kata make dalam causative verb ini berarti memaksa seseorang melakukan hal tertentu.
Rumusnya Causative Verb
Subject + make (any tense) + complement + [verb in simple form]
The teacher makes the students do their homework, or they will not pass the subject.
Jika masih kurang memahami kata-kata causative tersebut, anda bisa mengecek contoh-contoh dibawah ini. Diharapkan anda semua memahami maksud dari causative verb, dan alangkah lebih baik jika anda memahami polanya melalui contoh. Kenapa? Karena jika anda dapat memahami semua dari contoh, maka pola tersebut lebih mudah diingat disbanding mengingat rumus.
3. Have
Contoh Causative Verb:
- My mom had me wash the clothes.
- Jill has Scott do her homework.
- Henry has Yuri cook for lunch.
- Irwan has Resti sing for his wedding.
- Angie has Ge pick her up.
- Rose has Jo type the documents.
- Rangga has Tia bring his laptop.
- James has Alaric draw his face.
- Dwi had reza write an article.
- Tiwi had Rina fix the car.
- Dad had my brother clean the room.
4. Get
Contoh Causative Verb berikut ini:
Kalimat Aktif
- My Dad got me to wash the car.
- Titim got Lina to send the letter.
- Tonton got Gia to cut the grass.
- Sungjae got Zico to clean the dishes.
- Lisa got Rose to close the door.
- Jisoo got Jenny to clean the window.
- Leni got Gisman to clean the table.
- Jieun got Jungkook to boil some instant noddle for two.
- Tablo get Haru to massage his shoulders.
- Zoey got Sergio to buy him some batagor.
- Suri got his brother to make a glass of hot chocolate.
- Mari kita rubah kalimat-kalimat tersebut ke bentuk pasif dari causative get.
Bentuk pasifnya sebagai berikut:
- My dad got the car washed
- Titim got the letter sent.
- Tonton got the grass cut.
- Sungjae got the dishes washed.
- Lisa got the door closed.
- Jisoo got the window cleaned.
- Leni got the table cleaned.
- Tablo got his shoulders massage.
5. Make
Contoh Causative Verb
- My Mom make James study tonight.
- Ali made his son be quiet in the theater.
- Irwan made his daughter stay in her seat.
Berikut adalah contoh dan rumus dari causative verb, semoga dapat membantu anda dalam mempelajari bahasa inggris. Selamat belajar!