Belajar bahasa Inggris memang tidak cukup hanya mengetahui tentang tenses saja, ada banyak materi yang bisa mendukung kamu mendalami setiap materi, karena materi tersebut saling berhubungan satu dengan yang lain. Beberapa contoh daftar Irregular Verb yang sering digunakan dalam tenses.
Termasuk materi yang akan kita bahas kali ini, mengenai daftar kata Verb Noun Adjective Adverb. Kamu sudah tahu mengenai materi tersebut bukan?, kata kerja yang bisa digabungkan menjadi pola kata baru seperti kata benda, kata sifat dan selain kata kerja. Untuk mengetahuinya lebih mendalam berikut ini contohnya untuk kamu :
Contoh Kalimat
No. | Kalimat | Artinya |
1 | She accepted my propose last week | Dia menerima saran saya minggu lalu |
2 | His achievements are highly respected | Pencapaian prestasinya sangat dihormati |
3 | They help with actively homework | Mereka membantu pekerjaan rumah sangat aktif |
4 | We will attend the invitation with committee | Kami akan menghadiri undangan dengan komite |
5 | Believable is very expensive | Kepercayaan itu sangat mahal harganya |
Contoh Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
No. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs | Arti |
1 | accept | acceptance | acceptable | menerima | |
2 | achieve | achievement | achievable | mencapai | |
3 | act | action | active | actively | bertindak |
4 | act | activity | active | actively | bertindak |
5 | act | activeness | active | actively | bertindak |
6 | add | addition | additional | addictive | menambahkan |
7 | adjust | adjustment | adjustable | menyesuaikan | |
8 | admire | admiration | admirable | mengagumkan | |
9 | advise | advice | advisable | menasihati | |
10 | amass | mass | massive | massively | mengumpulkan |
11 | amazed | amazement | amazing | takjub | |
12 | amuse | amusement | amusing | menghibur | |
13 | annoy | annoyance | annoying | mengganggu | |
14 | approach | approach | approachable | pendekatan | |
15 | attend | attention | attentive | menghadiri | |
16 | attract | attraction | attractive | menarik | |
17 | avoid | avoidance | avoidable | menghindari | |
18 | believe | belief | believable | percaya | |
19 | blacken | blackness | black | menurunkan | |
20 | bleed | blood | bloody | berdarah | |
21 | bore | boredom | boring | membosankan | |
22 | bother | botheration | bothering | mengganggu | |
23 | breathe | breath | breathing | bernafas | |
24 | bury | burial | buried | mengubur | |
25 | care | care | careful | carefully | peduli |
Kamu bisa belajar daftar kata Verb Noun Adjective Adverb juga daftar Regular Verb yang sering dipakai dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
No. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs | Arti |
26 | challenge | challenge | challenging | tantangan | |
27 | chase | chase | chasing | mengejar | |
28 | cheer | cheerfulness | cheerful | cheerfully | bersorak |
29 | choose | choice | chosen | memilih | |
30 | clear | clarity | clear | clearly | bersih |
31 | collect | collection | collective | collectively | mengumpulkan |
32 | comfort | comfort | comfortable | comfortably | kenyamanan |
33 | complex | complexity | complex | kompleks | |
34 | confuse | confusion | confused | membingungkan | |
35 | consider | consideration | considerable | considerably | mempertimbangkan |
36 | console | consolation | consoled | menghibur | |
37 | continue | continuity | continuous | continuously | terus |
38 | craze | craze | crazy | crazily | menggila |
39 | create | creation | creative | creatively | membuat |
40 | credit | credit | creditable | creditably | kredit |
41 | cure | cure | curable | menyembuhkan | |
42 | curse | curse | cursed | kutukan | |
43 | damage | damage | damaged | kerusakan | |
44 | deafen | deafness | deaf | menuliskan | |
45 | decide | decision | decisive | memutuskan | |
46 | decorate | decoration | decorative | menghias | |
47 | delight | delight | delightful | delightfully | menyenangkan |
48 | demand | demand | demanding | permintaan | |
49 | derive | derivation | derivative | memperolah | |
50 | deserve | deserve | deserving | pantas |
Berikut masih dengan daftar Verb yang bisa diikuti Gerund dan daftar kata Verb Noun Adjective Adverb beserta contoh kalimat.
No. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs | Arti |
51 | destroy | destruction | destructive | destructively | menghancurkan |
52 | develop | development | developing | mengembangkan | |
53 | die | death | dead | mati | |
54 | differ | difference | different | differently | berbeda |
55 | disturb | disturbance | disturbing | mengganggu | |
56 | dust | dust | dusty | debu | |
57 | educate | education | educative | mendidik | |
58 | embarrass | embarrassment | embarrassing | memalukan | |
59 | empower | power | powerful | powerfully | memberdayakan |
60 | empty | emptiness | empty | kosong | |
61 | encircle | circle | circular | circularly | mengelilingi |
62 | encourage | courage | courageous | courageously | mendorong |
63 | endanger | danger | dangerous | dangerously | membahayakan |
64 | enthuse | enthusiasm | enthusiastic | menimbulkan antusias | |
65 | enumerate | number | numerable | menghitung | |
66 | envy | envy | envious | enviously | iri |
67 | evaporate | evaporation | evaporating | menguap | |
68 | expect | expectation | expected | expectedly | mengharapkan |
69 | explain | explanation | explainable | menjelaskan | |
70 | explore | exploration | exploring | menjelajahi | |
71 | fascinate | fascination | fascinating | mengasyikan | |
72 | feed | food | makan | ||
73 | firm | firmness | firm | firmly | perusahaan |
74 | fly | flight | flying | terbang | |
75 | force | force | forceful | forcefully | memaksa |
Pelajari dan juga kamu bisa menghapal contoh daftar kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris (V1, V2, V3) beserta fungsi dan contoh lengkap.
No. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs | Arti |
76 | glorify | glory | glorious | gloriously | memuliakan |
77 | grow | growth | growing | growingly | tumbuh |
78 | harm | harm | harmful | harmfully | membahayakan |
79 | hate | hatred | hateful | hatefully | benci |
80 | heal | health | healthy | healthily | menyembuhkan |
81 | hope | hope | hopeful | hopefully | berharap |
82 | identify | identification | identified | mengenali | |
83 | identify | identity | identifying | mengenali | |
84 | imitate | imitation | imitative | imitatively | meniru |
85 | impress | impression | impressive | impressively | mengesankan |
86 | include | inclusion | inclusive | inclusively | termasuk |
87 | indicate | indication | indicative | indicatively | menunjukkan |
88 | inform | information | informative | memberitahu | |
89 | inhabit | habitat | inhabitant | menghuni | |
90 | injure | injury | injurious | injuriously | melukai |
91 | inquire | inquiry | inquiring | menanyakan | |
92 | instruct | instruction | instructive | menginstruksikan | |
93 | insult | insult | insulting | insultingly | menghina |
94 | intent | intention | intentional | intentionally | maksud |
95 | interfere | interference | interfering | mengganggu | |
96 | introduce | introduction | introductory | memperkenalkan | |
97 | invent | invention | inventive | menciptakan | |
98 | irritate | irritation | irritating | irritatingly | mengganggu |
99 | lead | leadership | leading | leadingly | memimpin |
100 | live | life | lively | livingly | hidup |
Beberapa contoh kata kerja menjadi kata benda juga tentang daftar kata Verb Noun Adjective Adverb dan contoh kalimatnya.
No. | Verbs | Nouns | Adjectives | Adverbs | Arti |
101 | live | life | alive | livingly | hidup |
102 | live | liveliness | lively | livingly | hidup |
103 | lose | loss | lost | kalah | |
104 | madden | madness | mad | madly | menjengkelkan |
105 | migrate | migration | migrating | migrasi | |
106 | modernize | modernity | modern | memodernisasi | |
107 | moisten | moisture | moistures | melembabkan | |
108 | monotonies | monotony | monotonous | monotonously | monoton |
109 | move | movement | movable | movingly | pindah |
110 | narrow | narrowness | narrow | sempit | |
111 | nationalise | nationality | national | nationwide | menasionalisasi |
112 | observe | observation | observatory | mengamati | |
113 | own | ownership | own | sendiri | |
114 | perform | performance | performing | melakukan | |
115 | permit | permission | permissible | izin | |
116 | persuade | persuasion | persuasive | membujuk | |
117 | please | pleasure | pleasant | silahkan | |
118 | popularise | popularity | popular | mempopulerkan | |
119 | quicken | quickness | quick | quickly | mempercepat |
120 | redden | redness | red | memerahkan | |
121 | sadden | sadness | sad | sadly | menyedihkan |
122 | secure | security | secured | securely | aman |
123 | see | scene | scenic | lihat | |
124 | see | sight | seen | lihat | |
125 | speed | speed | speedy | speedily | kecepatan |
126 | whiten | whiteness | white | memutihkan | |
127 | badness | bad | badly | kejelekann atau keburukan |
Masih banyak contoh mengenai daftar kata Verb Noun Adjective Adverb, seperti berikut ini, daftar Verb 1 yang sering digunakan sehari hari. Semoga pembahasan mengenai daftar kata Verb Noun Adjective Adverb, bisa menjadi pilihan kamu untuk mendalami dasar bahasa Inggris dengan baik.