Latihan Soal

10 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan Jawabannya

Di bawah ini adalah beberapa contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 yang dapat digunakan untuk berlatih di rumah. Soal-soal Bahasa Inggris ini sebenarnya mudah, hanya perlu ketelitian membaca atau reading dan pemahaman structure, grammar Bahasa Inggris dan kosa kata Bahasa inggris.  Reading text bisa berupa contoh greeting, paragraf contoh recount text dalam Bahasa Inggris, procedure text, descriptive text, dan sebagainya.  Contoh paragraf Bahasa Inggris tentang hobi dan contoh paragraf Bahasa Inggris tentang liburan bisa dijadikan bahan untuk belajar jenis text dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan Jawabannya

Ani : My Name is Ani. How are you?
Tina : My name is Tina Sulaeman. My address is Jalan Mangga 3, Sawangan Depok.
Ani : Wow.. My addres closed from your house. What are you doing here?
Tina : I want to work here.
Ani : What’s your latest education?
Tina : Graduated from the law faculty

  1. What’s Tina graduated?
  • Educational institusion
  • Faculty of education
  • Law institution
  • Professional lawyer
  • Faculty of law

Jawab : Faculty of law

  1. Where does she lives?
  • Jalan Mangga 3, Jakarta
  • Jalan Mangga 3, Tangerang Selatan
  • Jalan Mangga 3, Depok
  • Jalan Mangga III No.3, Depok
  • Jalan Mangga III No. 3, Jakarta

Jawab : Jalan Mangga 3, Depok

Read the text below for question 3 and 4.

Traffic was topped for more tahan five hours last night because af an accident. A car hiot a motor cycle on the state street at about 6.30 p.m. The motor cycle driver and passenger were taken in hospital. Police closed two blocks of State Street until 11.45 and direct traffic to Main Street.

  1. When did the accident happen?
  • at 6.30 p.m
  • at 6.30 a.m
  • at 11.45 p.m
  • at 11.45 a.m
  • at 11.50 a.m

jawab : at 6.30 p.m

  1. Who were victims there?
  • the car driver
  • the motor cycle driver
  • the bus passangers
  • the motor cycle passanger
  • the motor cycle driver and passenger

Jawab : The motor cycle driver and passenger

The text below for question 5 – 8

Rainforest cicle the globe for twenty degreeof latitude on both side of the equator. In that relatively narrow band of the planet, more than half of all the species of plants and animals in the world make their home. Several huindred differentvarieties of trees may grow in a single acre, and just one of those trees may be habitat for more than ten thousandkinds of spiders, ants, and ather insects.

unfortunately, half of the world a rainforests have already been destroyed, andat the current rate, another 25 percent will be lost by the year 2020.Every sixty seconds, one hundredacres af rainforest is being cleared. By the time you finished this passage, two hundres acres will be destroyed! When this happens, constan rain croede the former forest floor, and ecology of the region is altered forever. Thousand of species of plantas and animals are condemnedto extinction and since we are not able to predict ramifications of this losts to a delicate global energy, we do not know what we may be doing to the future of the human species as well.

  1. According to the text, more than half of all the species of plant and animals……..
  • live in twenty rainforests
  • live in several hundred different varieties of forests
  • live in forty-degree band of latitude
  • live in single acre where several hundred different varieties of trees may grow
  • live in area where the rain forests has been cleared

Jawab : live in several hundred different varieties of forests

  1. What is the current rate of destruction?
  • one acre per minute
  • one acre per second
  • one hundred acre per minute
  • a half acre per second
  • two hundred acre per hour

Jawab : one hundred acre per minute (every sixty seconds) 

  1. ……… in the world make their home (paragraph 1)
  • All the species of plants
  • Narrow band of the plants
  • The species of plants and animals
  • More than half of all species of animals
  • More than half of all species of plants and animals

Jawab : More than half ofall of plants and animals

  1. How many of the world rainforest are the projecte be destroyed if the current rated continunous?
  • All of them will be gone by the year 2020
  • Three-quarter of them will be gone by the year 2020
  • One-quarter of them will be gone by the year 2020
  • Half of them of them will be gone by the year 2020
  • Two-quarter of them will be gone by the year 2020

Jawab : One-quarter of them will be gone by the year 2020

  1. Beavers are known for their natural character or quality building on rivers and streams and of buiding their home in the resulting pond
    Who are known for their natural character or quality building?
  • beavers
  • natural character
  • quality building
  • buiding on rivers
  • building on streams

Jawab : beavers

  1. Orchid is one the most beautiful flowers on earth. Its trunk is thick and budding. The leaves are long, stiff and thick. The colour of this plant can be various by using crossing method. It can be white, purple, yellow, or others. People like to use as decotaive plant. Orchid usually glows wll on a tree but it is not a parasite. It can only produced flowers not fruit.
    The sentence which not true in the paragraph is….
  • Orchid is one the most beautiful flowers on earth
  • The orchid’s leaves are long, stiff and thick
  • The colour of orchid can be pink
  • The colour of orchid can be purple
  • The orchid can not produced fruit

Jawab : The colour of orchid can be pink

Itulah 10 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 dan jawabannya tentang reading text. Semoga bermanfaat.

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